
More PnS

divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
edited January 4, 2011 in Cameras

Finally decided that I really AM going to get an s95 (anybody who's been around for a while knows i"ve been off-again-on-again about replacing my PnS for over a year now and, despite being impressed by the reviews and samples, have hesitated a couple of times over the s90/95 due to cost). Am hoping for Christmas prezzie $ to contribute, but figured if I ordered it now I'd be sure to have it before we leave for the UK next month.

Go to Adorama.

Put it in the cart.

THEY'RE SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!!!!! Along with everywhere else.

Seriously - do I have bad PnS karma or something?!?!? :rofl

(and if anybody's heard anything about when there might be some more available, do let me know - no problem ordering in a week or so, I just need to get it before January 10th or so!)


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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2010
    Ok, maybe my pns karma's not so bad after all:

    Local Best Buy had it (the ONLY BB in my region, by the looks of it). SCORE!!! Ordered it and it is MINE. Hate paying in-state tax, but that would've been offset by shipping if I'd ordered it later from Adorama et al so I think it's probably the way to go despite the added expense. Bird in the hand and all that; on this occasion, the timing is significant.

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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2010
    Hobnobs, Flakes, orange Aeros, high-baked water biscuits... lots of food to bring back (in real, rather than photoraphic form :D)

    All of this of course assumes that the weather will give us a break next month! I keep hoping that because it's been so bad in December that January might be almost balmy (yeah, right. Glasgow in January balmy?! HA! :lol)
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    ThatCanonGuyThatCanonGuy Registered Users Posts: 1,778 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2010
    Congratulations, I'm sure it's really nice. I know you were considering a SX30 (or was it a 130?), well, I saw one in person recently and the big zoom and vari-angle LCD looked really nice, but the at end of that zoom is some not very good IQ. It didn't look that good. I think I'd rather have a s95, I'm sure it has some great IQ. Enjoy it!
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 19, 2010
    It was the sx130 I was considering - I tried one and it was ok for basic use, but just not enough IQ or aperture for me. The s95 basically does everything I want with the kind of IQ I want in a very small package - since we'll be travelling and I don't want to lug everything with me I have a genuine need/reason to buy it (rather than mere gearlust :D), and even if I don't get gift-money, I have enough in the lens fund to cover the cost, so it made sense just to DO it. It delays the next lens, of course, but sometimes that's just the way it works out.... Very excited I managed to find one, though, and virtually up the street from here. Now just have to hope it isn't a DOA rolleyes1.gif
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    billythekbillythek Registered Users Posts: 104 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2010
    Amazon had them for $369 not too long ago. Unfortunately they are out of stock now, too.

    I know the rationale for taking a PnS on trips to save weight and size, but if I were going to the UK, I would take my DSLR. I have a G12, which is pretty similar to the S95, as I'm sure you know. I find myself hardly using it at all, even though it is a lot more portable than my 5D2. The IQ, although excellent for a PnS, just doesn't compare to a DSLR. Guess I am spoiled. Thinking about giving the G12 to one of my kids.
    - Bill
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2010
    billythek wrote: »
    Amazon had them for $369 not too long ago. Unfortunately they are out of stock now, too.

    Yeah, that's the BB price now too - pretty much everywhere is offering them with the instant rebate at that price; on this occasion tax is the only difference buying it locally. I'm just glad to have found one since estimated delivery dates from most places looked like Jan 14ish which would be too late for my needs.
    I know the rationale for taking a PnS on trips to save weight and size, but if I were going to the UK, I would take my DSLR. I have a G12, which is pretty similar to the S95, as I'm sure you know. I find myself hardly using it at all, even though it is a lot more portable than my 5D2. The IQ, although excellent for a PnS, just doesn't compare to a DSLR. Guess I am spoiled. Thinking about giving the G12 to one of my kids.

    I probably will take a slimmed-down slr kit, but this means I don't have to take everything and, just as importantly, don't HAVE to carry the slr everywhere once we're there. This is a long overdue family visit rather than tourist-travel per se so there will be lots of non-shooting situations where I need a camera but don't want to haul out the whole rig. I've wanted a decent PnS for ages so with luck this will finally fit the bill and give me a quality, pocketable option for a few years; if not, I can imagine it will be easy enough to sell it on gently used when I get back thumb.gif
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    ZanottiZanotti Registered Users Posts: 1,411 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2010
    Congrats. I have an S90 and am really pleased with it. It is my everyday work camera.

    Dont be afraid to go up to ISO1000 with it, it works pretty well even at these ranges. I find a little noise offsets motion blur any day!

    It is the purpose of life that each of us strives to become actually what he is potentially. We should be obsessed with stretching towards that goal through the world we inhabit.
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 20, 2010
    ~holds in hands while waiting for battery to complete a full charge~ Scary small and scary awesome quality based on quickie test shot. I think I have some fun times ahead.... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
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    ThatCanonGuyThatCanonGuy Registered Users Posts: 1,778 Major grins
    edited December 21, 2010
    Enjoy that IQ, much more important than zoom or resolution or whatever if you ask me...
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    EmmettEmmett Registered Users Posts: 21 Big grins
    edited December 22, 2010
    They're pretty tough too. I dropped mine from about 4 feet onto a concrete floor. Not a mark on it, nothing. Working just fine as far as I can tell.

    That's the only real problem with the S90/95, they're difficult to hang onto.
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    ThatCanonGuyThatCanonGuy Registered Users Posts: 1,778 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2010
    I hear ya :) I am waiting on canon releasing an EVIL camera compatible with ef lenses which will make things a lot easier!

    Trust me, they won't make it APS-C. I'm hoping they'll do 2x (I forget what is that called?). Slap a 600 f/4 on there, and you have a 1200 f/4 for way less than a 1200 5.6rolleyes1.gif
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2010
    Yeah, it is a tiny thing - I kind of wish it was in an ever-so-slightly larger body. The small size is magic for portability, but not so sure about holdability! I actually ordered one of these which I'm hoping will give it a little protection and beef up the form factor a tad. Kinda like the retro styling, too :D

    Despite the fact I bought it myself, I'm restraining my impatience and will leave playing with it properly until after Christmas - just feels more like a "present" if I do that :giggle It's sitting in the box, waiting to be used on Saturday....

    Oh, and today they turned up back in stock at all the major retailers, so anybody looking for one, they're back for the time being. But they are obviously SELLING (and no surprise - what they're packing into that tiny body is pretty incredible!)
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    ZanottiZanotti Registered Users Posts: 1,411 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2010
    You, of course, know about these:



    (Just helping spend your money!!!)

    It is the purpose of life that each of us strives to become actually what he is potentially. We should be obsessed with stretching towards that goal through the world we inhabit.
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2010
    Yeah - I decided I'd rather have a case that it could stay in while shooting than a grip. At $10 it seemed worth giving it a try (just hoping it gets here by Jan 10th...). Ultimately, I hope somebody will make a silicon skin for them - I've had good luck with those both with pns cameras and my cellphones.
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    BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2010
    A suggestion, if you can find an extra battery (perhaps Batteries Plus for off brand) you may want to consider purchasing it. Smaller camera has smaller battery. I run out my P&S battery much faster than my DSLR.

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    ThatCanonGuyThatCanonGuy Registered Users Posts: 1,778 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2010
    +1 for the batt.
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 22, 2010
    If I can find one in time. That said, my sd750 was (is) great for battery life - I could easily shoot for a day and still have juice at the end. I'll be interested to see how the s95 fares on that front thumb.gif
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    BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited December 24, 2010
    Divamum I would recommend not getting one at BestBuy as the cost will be way way too much. Batteries Plus or Amazon might be better

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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited December 27, 2010
    Oh definitely not - I only bought the camera there because it was the same as the online price and *available* :D.

    Aftermarket battery on its way from Amazon. Just hoping the eBay case turns up before we travel, and I'm set. Still trying to figure out what else got take with me, but I need to get to know this little machine a bit better first - that's the fun for this week!!
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    catspawcatspaw Registered Users Posts: 1,292 Major grins
    edited December 27, 2010
    Trust me, they won't make it APS-C. I'm hoping they'll do 2x (I forget what is that called?). Slap a 600 f/4 on there, and you have a 1200 f/4 for way less than a 1200 5.6rolleyes1.gif

    4/3 cameras? or at least micro 4/3, since that's what I'm used to. Double the lens numbers for all intents and purposes. Easy to get a kick ass zoom, although the speed isn't what it would be on a REAL dslr.
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    ThatCanonGuyThatCanonGuy Registered Users Posts: 1,778 Major grins
    edited December 27, 2010
    Well, we know Canon WILL release a "smaller DSLR" of some kind, almost definitely mirrorless but Canon would not say for sure. There's a market for them, lots of people like the "portable DSLR" idea. Honestly, I think Nikon's product will be better (does that phrase sound familiar?) but hopefully they will both support DSLR lenses. I wouldn't mind having a Panasonic mirrorless, but a good system would be the price of at least one L. Not worth it, IMO.
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited January 4, 2011
    For anybody interested, a brief write-up on the $10 case I wound up with, mentioned above. I like it a lot for the money!
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