Best foot traffic
What is the best way to get people to
Your web site? I have tried a few things and have had no success or very little. Any tips any one can share? I'm trying to stay 25 moles from were I'm at but at this point anything would be great!!!
Your web site? I have tried a few things and have had no success or very little. Any tips any one can share? I'm trying to stay 25 moles from were I'm at but at this point anything would be great!!!
Inbound links are important. Do you have a blog? Or a relationship with other vendors in your area where they might provide some inbound links?
Once viewers get to your site will they look around and follow through to hire you? You have a mixture of looks, there are misspellings, you have single galleries in sub-categories forcing extra clicks on your viewer. Those may feel like small issues (or non-issues) to you, but you are trying to attract customers and looks are important. (Sorry, I suppose that's a bit blunt, but that's the reaction I had when I looked through your site. And driving business to your site is only one part of the solution - the second is convincing folks to stay and to hire you.)
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Aaron Wilson