The Oostvaardersplassen, nature reserve in The Netherlands.
The Oostvaardersplassen, nature reserve.
The Oostvaardersplassen is a naturereserve in the middle of the Netherlands and exists mainly of swamps, wild open fields and unprecedented bird-richness. Walking here is like you are visiting Holland 1000 years ago! When you want to shoot "wildlife" inHolland this area is the place to be. Not everything is opened to the public, but there are some good places to make photos of foxes, deers, greylaggooses and Konik horses.
Comments are welcome.

1. Wild fox at Oostvaardersplassen.

2. This new born Konik foal is trying to stand up at the Oostvaardersplassen in the evening sun.

3. Konik horses chilling together at pool.

4. Kingfisher bird on a stick, Oostvaardersplassen.

5. Skeleton Roe-Deer, Oostvaardersplassen.
The Oostvaardersplassen is a naturereserve in the middle of the Netherlands and exists mainly of swamps, wild open fields and unprecedented bird-richness. Walking here is like you are visiting Holland 1000 years ago! When you want to shoot "wildlife" inHolland this area is the place to be. Not everything is opened to the public, but there are some good places to make photos of foxes, deers, greylaggooses and Konik horses.
Comments are welcome.

1. Wild fox at Oostvaardersplassen.

2. This new born Konik foal is trying to stand up at the Oostvaardersplassen in the evening sun.

3. Konik horses chilling together at pool.

4. Kingfisher bird on a stick, Oostvaardersplassen.

5. Skeleton Roe-Deer, Oostvaardersplassen.
Photography Blog
The kingfisher is a real beauty.
Is that kingfisher native to the area, or a species that was introduced?
(Please forgive the questions, I don't know anything at all about European bird species.)
You can find more information about this nature reserve here:
Because we don't have big predators in Holland and the Oostvaardersplassen relative small, foxes and White Tailed Eagles are the biggest in this category.
I am not a bird expert, but I understand from websites that this bird is native.
My website | NANPA Member
Looks like a terrific place to visit. A great set of images and must remember to visit next time I am on mainland Europe:D.