WallHog Customer Service RANT!

angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
edited March 15, 2011 in The Big Picture
My issue is presently unresolved, but overall I am unhappy (manager is supposed to call me back today or maybe tomorrow).

I am unhappy because of several reasons.

#1. When I call you, and I am upbeat, in good humor and willingly take responsibility for my own issue, I do not need you talk to me over and over pointing out what I probably did wrong or did wrong.

#2. I do need you to listen.

#3. If you listen you can tell I am willing to work towards a solution WITH you.

#4. Working towards a solution is what WE do when we call ourselves in business.

My issue:

Looking over my Wallhogs acct. I have bought a half dozen times from Wallhogs. Each order was using the phototek reusable vinyl. no issues.

This time, since it was for a one time installation within my home, I chose to use the cheaper vinyl wall mural.

Following the instructions and installing as described, my 6 ft x 4ft Wallhog ended up wadded up over near the door until I decide to throw it away.

Moving onto my next set of Wallhogs: two pieces that made up a 120inch long and 48 inch high installation. I installed it like I used to install decal's on my racecars, and voila, it installed no issue, beautiful. 3-4 dishwater soap droplets in 1 quart of water. Went on, squeegeed, no issue.

Called customer service. Pleasant enough person, and conversation ( albeit with above exceptions), no joy. Not willing to work with me other than offer me a 15% discount on a reorder...we already get 15% via SM, and in fact I get a 28% discount via my account.

The Customer service representative that had to leave and confer and then call me back ( Which She did!!) had to go and find out "where" the Website said I could only use this one time, telling me it wasn't meant to go on smooth walls or mirrors and glass...where in fact, it actually says that it is okay to do so, so long as you know it'll be a one time installation. However you offer instructions that are not for this type of install.

My issue, customer service not withstanding is this: YOUR INSTRUCTIONS ARE WRONG for my application. My instructions, that I created are correct, work beautifully and despite what you said about my soap-bubbles destroying the adhesive, it simply does not. I know this because of the wadded up mural, I cut a piece of it off to try my recipe before being dumb enough to goof-up another vinyl.

Yes, I'll order the replacement piece I need to complete the installation. And yes, I'll pay for it. What will you be paying for WallHogs?

I rarely rant...but I say and continue to say there is only one thing that matters in this business world: SERVICE...and that is all that matters!
I know I am spoiled working/ordering here at SM...but really Am I just being a putz, or what?

Installed 2 piece via my recipe. on wall built purposely for this installation. Notice the blank white wall of shame behind on back wall.


If anyone has installed this material on a baby-butt smooth wall using the original instructions and can tell me where I went wrong, please do.

tom wise


  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited March 11, 2011
    24 hour update. No Call from Manager-types as promised to me yesterday.
    tom wise
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2011
    So Am I to assume no one has installed the Wall Murals?

    Or is it no one has bought these?headscratch.gif
    tom wise
  • SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2011

    The concept looks really nice, but your experience with the company definitely turns me off.

    Everybody / companies make mistakes and / or run into problems. Not responding to these issues is unacceptable.

    I went to their website and had a hard time trying to figure out their pricing. The price schedule seems to define only the long dimension. So is it possible a 84" X 10" print will cost the same as a 84" X 52"?

    The prices seem to be pretty good except for the convoluted tier pricing.

    With to exception of this particular issue how would you rate the print quality and materials?


    I went ahead and sent Wallhogs a link to this thread. lets see if they respond now. :-)
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited March 12, 2011
    Sam wrote: »

    The concept looks really nice, but your experience with the company definitely turns me off.

    Everybody / companies make mistakes and / or run into problems. Not responding to these issues is unacceptable.

    I went to their website and had a hard time trying to figure out their pricing. The price schedule seems to define only the long dimension. So is it possible a 84" X 10" print will cost the same as a 84" X 52"?

    The prices seem to be pretty good except for the convoluted tier pricing.

    With to exception of this particular issue how would you rate the print quality and materials?


    I went ahead and sent Wallhogs a link to this thread. lets see if they respond now. :-)

    Sam, Thats very kind of you to look over/into this with me.

    I went ahead as I said I would in the OP: and RE-ordered the piece I wadded up.

    Yeah, turn off! Only because, you know: acknowledge me ( the client), acknowledge my issue, and see just maybe, maybe the old boy knows what he is talking about. Or, say to the old boy Yes. We've run into this before many times and you shouldda done x or y before z.

    Print quality: 10 out of ten for me, they allow you to download a proof of the product they will print prior to printing it if needed. My stuff matches: Color, exposure, all...very nicely done!

    Pricing: no issues. I put in my cart because that is the price I am willing to pay!

    Customer service? This is not the first time I ran into attitude with them. Early last year, because of all of the issues I'd had with differing print house/products, I called them after submitting and prior to approving my order/proof. Dude on the phone trys to tell me all sorts of lame stuff about dpi, ppi, etc....and then I gave him a wee lesson in #1. Courtesy. #2. listening. And #3. asked what he knew about printing profiles. But overall, he was same as chick from the other day: you, you, you , you , you, you , you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Not we, not I, not Wow!..not anything but: You!

    I like the product, I like the everything but the you, you , you, thingy!
    That is bad business! You know it, I know it.

    Here's my deal. All it wouldda took is for said manager to have hopped on the phone, apologized that I had issues (Which only means you care!) with said product and then said something along the lines of: "Hey, man, if you'll reorder we'll expedite, ship this out to you with free shipping (or some such!)." I'd have been all over his fan club like a beast! This business is in Club-Smug...but they do not deserve to be associated with SM, based on Shit for CS! Trolls and others like to bad mouth SM occasionally, but for me SM's Customer service is beyond reproach. As has been mine throughout my many endeavors, which is why I am in the SM fan club! I thought I might go to their Facebook page and like them and complain, but even on their FB page you have to ask-to join....wonder why?

    So, as I said, I reordered, paid for it all again, and so on.

    And oh yeah,. an 84" x 10" print will cost you based on the Long side! (Probably because of the waste!) Same price is an 84 x 84! I haven't an issue with that, due to it being their structure.

    Once again , thanks for sending that link to them. I submitted their name to reseller ratings since they weren't there. If When they are there, I'll spew my stew there as well!~
    tom wise
  • dbddbd Registered Users Posts: 216 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011

    The best I can tell from what you've ranted here and the instructions on the site, you and your assistant didn't follow their directions, mispositioned a print, decided to abandon the print instead of repositioning per the instructions and performed an amazingly accelerated life cycle test of your soap solution with your salvage.

    That's what I get from the Wallhogs site instructions and your rant. If that's all the better you have communicated here, how well did you communicate (and behave) with Wallhogs?

    I'm sorry they only tried to be helpful during your rant and didn't find you awesome enough to emotionally please you.

    Where was _your_ SM associated professional demeanor?

    Maybe everyone has something to learn from this.

    Dale B. Dalrymple
    "Give me a lens long enough and a place to stand and I can image the earth."
    ...with apology to Archimedies
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited March 13, 2011
    dbd wrote: »

    The best I can tell from what you've ranted here and the instructions on the site, you and your assistant didn't follow their directions, mispositioned a print, decided to abandon the print instead of repositioning per the instructions and performed an amazingly accelerated life cycle test of your soap solution with your salvage.

    Actually they sent instruction for both types of wallhogs they sell. I spent a right good amount of time reading the wrong ones, then spent an equal time reading the correct ones. Also had my asst. read them as well to help me interpret them.
    In truth as I said here, and said to the gal on the phone from Customer Service: their instructions do not work for my application. She went on trying to tell me that my Soap Bubbles would destroy the adhesive on the backing, which it didn't. And also trying to explain petroleum based products and water don't mix:Her words; "You know how oil and water don't mix!" Then me thinking: good grief...that's why they put phosphates in Soaps! I didn't go there, because all I kept hearing was how I did so much wrong, yet there I was with a perfectly place Wallhog per My recipe, and a wadded up Wallhog using their instructions.

    We did follow their instructions! And we made attempts to reposition. The overall problem is their instructions are made for Drywall, which as you might know isn't a very smooth surface and hence more forgiving for dry application than the wall I have constructed.
    dbd wrote: »
    That's what I get from the Wallhogs site instructions and your rant. If that's all the better you have communicated here, how well did you communicate (and behave) with Wallhogs?

    Unless I misspoke or some such, I think I've communicated well here. I did not rant on the phone with WallHogs, because ranting wasn't my intention when I phoned them, recourse was my intention and I am not a salt thrower. As an aside, I am actually a trained communicator. The key to communication is listening. When I did, all I heard was "you!"
    dbd wrote: »
    I'm sorry they only tried to be helpful during your rant and didn't find you awesome enough to emotionally please you.

    I don't really see how they tried to be helpful.

    As for your "awesome enough" statementheadscratch.gif

    dbd wrote: »
    Where was _your_ SM associated professional demeanor?

    SM hasn't given me my professional demeanor. It was honed over several decades: 12 years U.S. Navy, 14 Years as a Garage Owner, 10 Years as a Registered Nurse. So, I know something about behavior and how one should talk to folks, Which is a key reason I chose to rant here.

    The overall rant is about the lack of Customer Service etiquette.

    However their instruction are not for, nor do they work for my application.

    tom wise
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited March 15, 2011
    angevin1 wrote: »
    24 hour update. No Call from Manager-types as promised to me yesterday.

    I received a call from Paul, one of the owners at WallHogs. I was out, so he left a message. Later after e-mailing him I received a comprehensive e-mail back. He asked that I re-post here to the forum and I am doing so.

    I'll let Paul's words speak for him (in Italics):

    " We at Wallhogs always seek to work with a customer to find solutions to any issues, even in instances where we have learned that a customer has blatantly ignored our instructions or advice. As our customers wish to hold Wallhogs to a higher standard, we also hold our customers to a higher standard. I am willing, and ________ alerted you that someone would contact you within a few days, to work with you in solving this issue. I hope you understand it makes it more difficult when I now read your posting that occurred on the same day you spoke with _______, as opposed to waiting to hear from myself or my business partner. In my personal opinion this is an area I hold customers, especially partners, to a higher standard. The "rant" as you called it is simply unprofessional. I really wished you had waited to post until you spoke to me or my partner.

    Wallhogs works with over 7,000 photographers, among hundreds of other retail and business partners, throughout the world. If a partner is showing us they support us and order on a consistent basis we have no problem assisting them as they are the reason we are here. I am willing to split the cost of the new print with you and will place a refund request with my accounting department. I also ask that you re-post to the forum, before my marketing team does. I have alerted them to not post anything until the end of the week.

    He did mention that the Customer Service Rep was simply following a protocol to help ascertain what the issue was with the product and She was sorry if she sounded condescending.

    He gave a good clinic on the product itself explaining about the adhesives, testing and issues others have had. Apparently others have had the product fall off the wall from using soap or other household products, which of course goes strictly against the installation instructions.

    Like I said before and to Paul. I like the products. I even like the product I ordered this time. Perhaps I should have waited to speak with he or his partner. I think if even one time someone on that phone had said, "We're (or I) am sorry you had issues with our product, someone will contact you in the next few days, I'd have been fine. I was told someone would contact me that day (Thursday) or 'maybe' tomorrow, not in the next few days and not the following week. I stick by my guns on the CS issue. I didn't label it condescending. I just stated what occurred.

    So thank you Paul at WallHogs, for getting back to me.
    tom wise
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