Prairie Chickens Are Booming
First post in the Wildlife section, so any comments and criticism is very, very welcome.
Yesterday was also my first time to witness the spring mating rituals of the Greater Prairie Chicken first hand. What an event to see! I'd been scouting the Lek for a week & half or so and put up a ground blind and moved it in close over a few days time - with predicted high winds coming, I didn't want to leave the blind up and risk losing it, so I had to go in during the week.
Here are a few shots from the 4 hours I was in the blind - again, I'm new to this whole wildlife shooting thing, but it's been a lot of fun so far:
1. The Face-Off

2. Trying to impress the lady folk

3. Booming - 1

4. Two males establishing who's in charge

Thanks for looking - again, C&C encouraged
Yesterday was also my first time to witness the spring mating rituals of the Greater Prairie Chicken first hand. What an event to see! I'd been scouting the Lek for a week & half or so and put up a ground blind and moved it in close over a few days time - with predicted high winds coming, I didn't want to leave the blind up and risk losing it, so I had to go in during the week.
Here are a few shots from the 4 hours I was in the blind - again, I'm new to this whole wildlife shooting thing, but it's been a lot of fun so far:
1. The Face-Off

2. Trying to impress the lady folk

3. Booming - 1

4. Two males establishing who's in charge

Thanks for looking - again, C&C encouraged
My website | NANPA Member
Thanks! I felt privileged to witness it from so close.
Thanks - it is fun...I'm very inexperienced in bird/wildlife shooting, but am wanting to do more and get better. Not a ton of opportunity where I live on the High Plains...
The first set were from last year - my first attempt, I had no idea what I was doing, what camera settings would work and was not very comfortable with my current camera at that time.
The first ones in the original post were shot with the Nikon 70-300 VR lens. I struggled with it, and the pictures cropped up...not so great. It was frustrating.
The second group of two were shot with my new lens - 200-400 f/4 with the 1.4TC. What a difference a year...and some new equipment makes.
I didn't realize the difference until I brought this thread back
a light crop of one of today's images:
I received some very helpful tips from a very experienced photographer in my region that probably doesn't realize the help he's been as far as settings and approach.
progress is good.