Web Browser Interfacing a Joke
Today, the issue 'o de day is making the external link to share on Facebook function. Logged on as a visitor, when you go to use the facebook share link, it allows you to log in, but when you go to post to facebook, it gives you an error in the lastest Firefox that you're not logged in. Other latest versons of IE and Chrome don't work as well. The answer from Smugmug (after 3 hrs of trying everything) is that there is something wrong with Facebook. Not to whip a dead horse, but some things don't work in the latest version of Internet Explorer, while other things don't work in the latest version of Firefox or Chrome. Who knows which browser a given visitor is using. The cross-browser interfacing issues are becoming a joke, and a waste of time.:dunno
Facebook share not connecting is an issue we're working on, it affects any browser. We're sorry for that hassle and we'll fix it asap.
I'm sorry you got an incomplete answer from our heroes - I will address.
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But yet if you use the like button, it'll post it to facebook wall without any issues. Just does't provide a comment.
Anyway coding I can add to custom to leave the twitter button and the facebook like button but remove the facebook share button (middle of the three buttons)?
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Andy -- You did it! I'm not use to "right away" being right away. After obsessing over this one issue for most of the day, I'm blown away that it's fixed. I ran it through the latest versions of each of the browsers, and it seems to be functioning fine. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
--Andy (too)
Andy -- The submit comment to facebook works intermittently with the latest version of Firefox and Chrome, and not at all with the latest version of IE. Since it's not completely fixed, having it work part of the time is of no help. Can I have some coding that I can add to custom to leave the twitter button and the facebook like button but remove the facebook share button (middle of the three buttons)?
sure, here's the code if you want to hide it.
#qsFacebookShareButton {display: none;}
But I cannot replicate this in Chrome or Firefox or IE or Safari.
I'd love to see a link to a gallery on your site where you're seeing this.
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Andy -- Here's the gallery link. When I hit the share button, the "penny for your thoughts dialog box appears, and sometimes a "submit" button to the lower right of the box. It's intermittant. Trying to share from the same gallery, you might see the submit button several times, and then you might not see it again for several more tries. As though congestion on the Facebook side keeps the routine from accessing the facebook account so no submit button appears.
I'll hold off making any changes until you let me know the results of your test.
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After your reply, I decided to dig in deeper and think I found the issue. I had Facebook set up using the new feature for secure browsing under the facebook accounts. I unchecked the secure browsing, then deleted the smugmug ap and tried again from smugmug. When I used the facebook log-in button it asked for log-on information. Then I backed out of the comment screen and went back in and the post button appeared (it starts out showing the login button, then lags for about 3 seconds, and the submit button appears). There is still a minor problem in Firefox. After several tries, the post to wall button stops appearing. The Firefox error console reports the following: Warning: Unknown property 'zoom'. Declaration dropped.
Source File: http://cdn.smugmug.com/include/css/gecko/4/win/skins/default-9729bf42fa1eb68f4987434e2602b74c.css
Line: 2488
You can just ignore the 'Warning: Unknown property 'zoom'. That's an IE only css declaration and firefox is doing the right thing and telling you that it's ignoring it.
Clearing cache and cookies is a good starting place for figuring out what's wrong, just so we can make sure that it's not a bad cookie or some cached data.
Thanks for the followup Scotticus. I think the real problem is the interfacing between smugmug and Facebook when a Facebook user has changed their security to take advange of the new secure browsing facebook setting. If they set their security to automatically use secure browswing, there a breakdown with smugmug logging on to the user's account, therefore the "post" button doesn't appear. The issue disappear when I changed my facebook security settings to allow for non-secure browsing.