Birds in Tobago
We were in Tobago a couple of weeks ago and found myself in the Tobago Forest Reserve. We had a great guide who could do the bird calls and the birds would answer and sometimes come out to see what was going on. We were on a cruise, so I had to pack lighter than I would have liked, thus these were taken hand held. This was with my Canon 100-400 and a speedlite. Low light situations for the most part.










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Well to be honest, this was the first time I've had the opportunity to use my 100-400 and 7D together. My wife surprised me with the 7D this past Christmas, and I haven't really had any time to get out and shoot until this all too brief vacation. The whole time I was there, I was kicking myself for leaving the tripod at home. Although I think it might have been impractical since we were hiking through the forest and most of the time it was quick reaction or no shot. I probably should invest in a better monopod...
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Oh and your wife is a keeper.
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Yeah, I know
She's actually responsible for a lot of my equipment.... of course, I make 'suggestions', and hope Santa comes with the right stuff.... hehehe.
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My only nit pick is compositions. I know they were quick shots or you wouldn't get them, but most of them have room in the frame to adjust the composition more (with cropping) instead of just having the bird spot in the center.
Keep up the good work.