
Canon 24-105L

oakfieldphotography.comoakfieldphotography.com Registered Users Posts: 376 Major grins
edited May 7, 2011 in Cameras
Just a quick question for you all to ponder over. I am in the market for this lens and have run into a problem. How do i know if the lens i want to buy online is a genuine canon lens. One site i went to looked like this...

I tried to phone this company but was told i would have to wait 20 minutes so i hung up. What bothers me is that in the description of this lens, it says that the lens comes in a "Brand new retail box, not white box." Is this an issue?
This statement leaves me confused as they are nearly €150 cheaper that my main dealer in Dublin. To top it off there is free delivery.
Can anyone here help please?



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    kdogkdog Administrators Posts: 11,681 moderator
    edited May 3, 2011
    You might want to check the store ratings from ResellerRatings before you order. Here: http://www.resellerratings.com/store/SimplyElectronics

    (this is the worse rating I've ever seen)
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    ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 23,910 moderator
    edited May 3, 2011
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
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    oakfieldphotography.comoakfieldphotography.com Registered Users Posts: 376 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2011
    Ziggy53 saved my bacon is what i should have tattoed to my forhead.
    I looked at this link before and never gave it a thought. Boy was that a close one. True to its word ... all this glisens is not gold. I was a bit suspicious when the price was over 10% cheaper with no postage charges than my main dealer.
    Looks like its a 2 hour train ride to Dublin for me. Thanks Ziggy53, you have done something even my wife has failed to do in 21 years of marraige. Stopped me making a fool of my self. lol
    I dont want to start a long thread here but when i go to the main dealers shop in Dublin to pick up my new lens how will i know if i have a good copy or will all of these be able to be corrected with camera settings for each lens. i.e. settings for sharpness incamera for the 5Dmkii?

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    ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 23,910 moderator
    edited May 3, 2011
    Ziggy53 saved my bacon is what i should have tattoed to my forhead.
    I looked at this link before and never gave it a thought. Boy was that a close one. True to its word ... all this glisens is not gold. I was a bit suspicious when the price was over 10% cheaper with no postage charges than my main dealer.
    Looks like its a 2 hour train ride to Dublin for me. Thanks Ziggy53, you have done something even my wife has failed to do in 21 years of marraige. Stopped me making a fool of my self. lol
    I dont want to start a long thread here but when i go to the main dealers shop in Dublin to pick up my new lens how will i know if i have a good copy or will all of these be able to be corrected with camera settings for each lens. i.e. settings for sharpness incamera for the 5Dmkii?


    "Kdog" had your back before me. thumb.gif

    Get the lens. Take it out for a few test shots using this method:

    1) Basic AF accuracy is best accomplished using a flat target, i.e. a brick wall or other large textured surface. If a camera/lens cannot accomplish this task, it has no chance of passing any subsequent AF tests including real world use. Make sure that the target is at the typical distance for your normal use of the lens, meaning that a long focal length lens that you would normally use for wildlife at a distance should be tested at that same distance for AF accuracy. Always test a lens at least twice Minimum-Focus-Distance (MFD). Lenses rarely do their best at MFD (the exception being true "macro" lenses.)

    If a lens shows consistent front or back focusing with the wall test, then use micro-focus adjust technique until you get consistent accuracy. If the particular camera body does not have a micro-focus option, it should be serviced, or the lens should be serviced. If you have consistent results with all lenses then send in the camera. If the problem only exists with a particular lens, it's the lens that needs service.

    If the lens passes the wall test, proceed to the next test. If the lens fails the wall test and you cannot gain accurate AF with micro-adjust, send the lens back to where it came from or explore camera issues.

    2) A fence line or similar, shot at an angle to the subject. Put a singular strong-contrast target on the top of the middle post and use a single focus point in the camera to focus against the target. This shows focus accuracy and/or how easily distracting for/aft objects influence AF accuracy (compared to the above wall shot). It also shows bokeh tendencies at different aperture settings.

    3) A focus target/chart like in the following:


    I do recommend testing these charts at twice minimum focus distance or greater. Most lenses, especially most zoom lenses, do not do their best at MFD. True macro lenses are the major exception.

    4) A US stop sign, or similar very high contrast signage, both centered and off center and to the side and/or corner. This can show chromatic errors and off-axis errors.

    5) A spectral highlight at night. (Point source ideally, but a street light at some distance will do.) Try to avoid "blooming" of the source but allow some white clipping. This shows internal reflections and dispersion problems. Again, test both in the center and with the subject at the sides or corners.

    6) Now just shoot "typical" subjects for your use of the lens(es). It's important that the lens perform correctly for your intended uses.

    Note that only the first test is necessary for determining whether the lens has a basic focus issue, but that test plus the others weed out other issues as well. I would definitely do the first 2 tests plus test 4 to determine if the lens has basically "good quality". Take along a suitable lens for comparison and do some basic tests with that lens too, just for the comparison. A laptop computer can rapidly show you quality differences.

    Take the lens back back to the store immediately if it does not meet these basic quality and suitability tests.
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
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    oakfieldphotography.comoakfieldphotography.com Registered Users Posts: 376 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2011
    Apologies to Kdogbowdown.gif, I should have given you recognition for your help. Great link and Thankyou for your help. In my rush to find information i overlooked your avatar and it was my own fault. Sorry.
    Well Ziggy it looks like you have nailed it on the head too. I will print out your post and bring it to the big smoke with me and do those tests. If i havent time i will do it at home as i understand that conns camera shop do take returns and look after their customers. Thanks again
    Case closed

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    SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2011
    Not to bead a dead horse, but I never understand why anyone would take a HUGH risk by ordering a high dollar item from some totally unknown company. ESPECIALLY from Brooklyn NY! Note: If the Brooklyn officials want to take exception to my post, I would ask them to first clean up their own backyard and stop enabling these fraudulent people to continue to cheat people.

    Obviously B&H and Adorama are the exceptions. Not to denigrate other honest photo related online businesses but these two provide great peace of mind for high dollar transactions.


    ps: Not sure of Europe, but here in the US even if for some reason now or in the future you suspect the lenses performance you can always have Canon check and adjust it.
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    DeVermDeVerm Registered Users Posts: 405 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2011

    I understand that you are in Ireland... I can point you to these sellers in Holland that I have personally used (buying while visiting their real-world shops in Holland) and they are solid, genuine Canon dealers that will ship to you. Being within EU, this will save you customs duties etc.




    Both sites indicate this lens is NOT in stock...


    my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
    my Smugmug site: here
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    oakfieldphotography.comoakfieldphotography.com Registered Users Posts: 376 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2011
    Thanks Sam. You are right. It is hard enough to earn the money for the lens without being conned out of it. I presume that canon will look after you after you have paid a premium price for one of their L lenses here in Europe as they have a reputation to uphold and i have every confidence in them otherwise i dont think that their products would not be as succesfull as they are.
    I have to go now and thanks again for all of your help. Great forum and solid information. I just wish i had enough experience as you all to give such indept information but this will take time and with gods help i will be around long enough to learn and share.

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    oakfieldphotography.comoakfieldphotography.com Registered Users Posts: 376 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2011
    DeVerm wrote: »

    I understand that you are in Ireland... I can point you to these sellers in Holland that I have personally used (buying while visiting their real-world shops in Holland) and they are solid, genuine Canon dealers that will ship to you. Being within EU, this will save you customs duties etc.




    Both sites indicate this lens is NOT in stock...


    Cheers Nick i will take a look into those links but i have to travel down to swinford from rossinver in 10 minutes so i have to go but i will check them out when i get back from this vintage car meeting.

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    kdogkdog Administrators Posts: 11,681 moderator
    edited May 3, 2011
    Apologies to Kdogbowdown.gif, I should have given you recognition for your help.
    Ha, no worries. Most any of the regulars in this forum would have given you the exact same advice. I just got here first. mwink.gif
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    Tee WhyTee Why Registered Users Posts: 2,390 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2011
    If you are interested in ordering from the US, I'd recommend Bhphotovideo.com or adorama.com
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    oakfieldphotography.comoakfieldphotography.com Registered Users Posts: 376 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2011
    Tee Why wrote: »
    If you are interested in ordering from the US, I'd recommend Bhphotovideo.com or adorama.com

    I would rather order from within the Eu because of the guarentee, I know it will be the same lens but sometimes its hard to beat meeting your seller face to face when dealing with these matters, especially considering the amount of money involved.

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    ThatCanonGuyThatCanonGuy Registered Users Posts: 1,778 Major grins
    edited May 4, 2011
    Adorama and B&H are just as good as meeting the seller face to face. Better, actually, because they're reliable AND cheaper :)

    Edit: actually you may want to go with a EU dealer just to avoid customs.
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    HelenOsterHelenOster Registered Users Posts: 173 Major grins
    edited May 5, 2011
    Sam wrote: »
    ......B&H and Adorama are the exceptions. Not to denigrate other honest photo related online businesses but these two provide great peace of mind for high dollar transactions.
    Tee Why wrote: »
    If you are interested in ordering from the US, I'd recommend Bhphotovideo.com or adorama.com
    Adorama and B&H are just as good as meeting the seller face to face. Better, actually, because they're reliable AND cheaper :)

    Thanks for all the great Adorama feedback, which is very much appreciated.

    BTW I'm only ever an email away to answer queries, or for after-sales support: Helen@adorama.com
    Helen Oster
    Adorama Camera Customer Service Ambassador
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    PhotoskipperPhotoskipper Registered Users Posts: 453 Major grins
    edited May 6, 2011
    The 24-105L lens tends to have more electronic problem than the others. My copy developed Err 01 after using it for just 2 years. After changing the electronic parts inside (costed me US 200+), it failed again in 24 months.

    I sent it to Canon service centre and the technician told me that the failure due to "usage" issue.

    I consider myself as heavy user, may be above 50K photo a year majority with the lens.

    So, if you want to get a "used" copy, please check carefully.
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    insanefredinsanefred Registered Users Posts: 604 Major grins
    edited May 7, 2011
    The 24-105L lens tends to have more electronic problem than the others. My copy developed Err 01 after using it for just 2 years. After changing the electronic parts inside (costed me US 200+), it failed again in 24 months.

    I sent it to Canon service centre and the technician told me that the failure due to "usage" issue.

    I consider myself as heavy user, may be above 50K photo a year majority with the lens.

    So, if you want to get a "used" copy, please check carefully.

    I have never heard of this, that isn't good.
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