Sony Cyber-shot DSC-R1 is announced
i will be checking this cam out!!! :clap
i am very excited, live preview with live histogram!!! :clap:clap
i am very excited, live preview with live histogram!!! :clap:clap
Finally, something interesting in the fixed lens camera market. I was getting just a little bored of the endless stream of functionally-identical cameras.
To my (rather slow (Not enough caffine yet)) mind, the Cannon's 5D seemed like the first interesting idea for about a longgggg time. The R1 certainly looks interesting as well...
Three cheers to Sony, for daring to do something different.
Perhaps these mark the return of a new spurt of innovative design to digital cameras?
If the lens is competent at 10 MPix and if the high-ISO looks good, I could see this camera as a great seller in the sub $1000 digicams.
It is curious to see a digicam without a movie capability. The lens is also not too suitable for most sports. I wonder if this could mean another camera is on the way?
Thanks for the notice Troy,
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
missing: nightshot mode for the infrared shots that the sony 7x7 and 828 are so good at :cry
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"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
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Hopefully the large sensor eliminates the noise at high ISOs.
Interesting crossover approach. It's *almost* dslr... :-)
However long write times can be a problem..
I'm very glad Sony finally stepped up and proved itself a contender again!
I'm using a Sony 717 and really need the extra wide angle around a lot of the waterfalls. I'm tired of having to add a wide angle lens in situations where I can't back up any more and I very rarely use full zoom. The 2.5 times dynamic range vs the 828 has me really interested also, as does the ability to offer larger size prints for sale.
Smug Galleries - Other Images
They may have CA under control, and low noise, and fast frame rates and yadda yadda, but any camera marketed to a PRO not a 'pro-sumer' market should have a PC sync, with no further discussion. Without a PC it is still just uncle Ernie's toy camera at a wedding reception. I'm over the T* envy, it is after all just a coating, and my $300 sony handycam has a Zeiss Vario that performs no better than the lens on a Canon ZX 80. The name may still be a great selling point for them, but anyone expecting it to out perform Zeiss glass for the Hasse, or Contax 645, or even the Contax 35mm slr varios, will be dissapointed.
Hi y'all !
I am very excited 'bout the new Sony .
After all, if I sell my 828 and buy the new R1, I will still be able to use my extra battery and HVL-F32x Sony flash :flash and have a camera with a big
10+MP sensor, joystick steered spot-focus, live preview with live histogram
and manual zoom, plus a 24-120 mm lens
( I think the 24 is a BIG improvement over the 28 mm.)
and all this for a mere 4-500 euro investment .
Compare this to buying a 20D with comparable glass and flash unit, and you
may understand I am eager to make the plunge.
Peter Dumont
I don't care for it a lot for several reasons....
I'm right handed and 828 has selector knob....WB and EV controls right handy for me pun intended.
Selector being under my left cheek when shooting I don't care for at all!!!
R1 focal length is lousy for nature and sports stuff
Flip up LCD is just awkward and another moving part with a ribbon cable to go bad.
Like Andy nite shot mode :uhoh
67mm filters needed so ya hafta buy your important filters all over again!
I DO like the bigger CMOS
At this point before I shed my 828 for a R1 I'd rather go for a DSLR.
Just my 2cents for what it's worth.
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
1 No IS
2. Limited to 120mm.
3. slow RAW write time.
4. 4.8 at 120mm ain't breathtaking
5. 3 FPS up to 3 images is :snore
6. heavier than the D70 or the 350D
7. shutter lag
Its a very good prosumer camera as long as you don't need reach beyond 120mm. I think its supposed to sell for around $999. If I had $999 to spend on a camera I would spend it elsewhere. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
So what's not to like about a 350D + kit lens that would make someone move to this new Sony instead for about the same money? I don't get it. I did read Phil's pre-review, but there was nothing there that would make me drool.
Write times are the worst in history, even slower than the pokey 828. Sony's RAW support is well, not very good. NO Nightshot? 235K EVF can't show very much in resolution, and EVF's are slow. Why not improve the EVF after two years? The button layout is just plain strange. The manual lens has been taken away. There's no info LCD for displaying settings in the back or top of the camera (ya gotta flip up the 2" LCD swing it around and swivel it first?).
Two things I like. 10+MP, and Sony has placed the ISO information into the viewfinder. Canon could take a lesson about the ISO being constantly in front of you.
So my little review... 5 steps forward - 7 steps backward. Sure glad I didn't wait for that cam. I am enjoying my 20D, despite that it's double the price.
Edit: Correction... the lens is geared manual, not by-wire. Oops.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
If you went through the sony cams since the 707 as i did, youi have to have this cam, or at least give it a try....
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
and remember if my thinking is absurd, well look at my avatar and youll understand!
BTW as far as L quality, i see a difference between L quality in primes vs zooms. Id be hesitant to give up a L prime.
i am glad its out as i remember being bored to tears in DPR Sony forum by the rumours and whining about an 828 replacement-now it here and i hope they are happy
i am after a digicam for snapshooting and street work but now the price has come down on the V3 i am tempted as it it is very pocketable and 7mp-the new sony looks rather much bigger....
Longitude: 145° 08'East
Canon 20d,EFS-60mm Macro,Canon 85mm/1.8. Pentax Spotmatic SP,Pentax Super Takumars 50/1.4 &135/3.5,Pentax Super-Multi-Coated Takumars 200/4 ,300/4,400/5.6,Sigma 600/8.
Granted, the camera uses a large sensor, so the improvement will defenitely be noticable. On the flip side though , the constant active large CMOS sensor will probably introduce quite some heat and therefore noise.
Looks like an awesome camera though
Michiel de Brieder
And a new Sony camera, I'm excited -- love the 10 megapixels CMOS sensor... but I'm already fighting the 200 mm zoom end on my 828 and wishing I had more -- constantly.
So, I'm sad to say I don't think the R1 will on my list. I'm probably going to wait another year and see what new cameras are produced.
I was able to download 3 full size samples from the site where they were posted before they had to disable full size image downloading -- probably due to bandwidth issues.
It will be very interesting to see Phil's comparison shots, especially the "compared to" section to see CMOS against CMOS...
I'm also curious as to how the higher ISOs fare noise wise. The one photo I checked was ISO 120 at f8 (landscape). I was interested in the sky which had white and gray clouds against the blue sky. It had way less noise than I've ever seen in the skies of my 828 shots. So that part is fantastic. At 100% I was extremely pleased with the lack of noise in the image. What I didn't like was some green blooming on some of the window frames, as well as some magenta blooming on the other side of the window frame but then I've seen this at 100% on other "pro" camera/lens combinations.
It's also really pushing my required "fit in my purse" criteria, unless I want to turn my purse into a camera bag :-) (It's a large purse!)
I shot a few images yesterday of these gorgeous clouds and was using RAW as I know I need to balance light and dark, and waiting for that RAW to write on the F828 was agonizing. Now you may wonder why I was agonizing over waiting for the file to write when it was "just" clouds -- they were moving SO rapidly and changing so quickly in position, size and shape that I missed a few photos. From the time we pulled into our parking spot until we left all the clouds had changed.
Peter Dumont
I think the picture you posted just broke my glasses. Thanks for that.