
Zeiss Sonnar 135mm F/2.8 - 30 year old Castle grounds.

BifurcatorBifurcator Registered Users Posts: 109 Major grins
edited May 28, 2011 in Landscapes
Drove out with my GH1 and a new Zeiss C/Y Sonnar 135/2.8 to Komaki city to see the replacement castle they built just a few decades ago. It happened to be next to a US Air Base and oh boy was there a lot of air traffic in the area! I have no idea why so many Air Force cargo planes would be landing and taking off from that area but there was one every 4 to 6 minutes for the 3 hours I was there. :huh There were some jets too but not many... I saw only two in that time-span.

Here's two 100% crops taken at F/2.8 of one of them:



I got off about 6 shots of it but they're all similar to that last one there.

Here's some shots taken on the castle grounds (I think also all wide open at F/2.8):



This is a statue of the guy who sold the land to the Japanese Government on which the replacement Castle was built. I call it a "replacement" because as I understand it there used to be a real functioning castle there long ago which was completely destroyed. Some private rich guy built a building that looks just like a castle about where the old one was - about 30 years ago. The whole area has a very interesting and fairly recent history with warring "families" fighting for control of the area. Oh, "recent" in Japan to me is around 300 years ago or so. ;) Anyway, it's all a big public park now and the castle thingy actually serves as a museum. ;)



I think these are still all wide open at f/2.8 too. But they're not 100% crops, they're full scales.


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