Sony P200 Question
:scratch I have been considering the purchase of a Sony P200 as it appears to meet my camera needs. I know the camera comes in three body colors - red, black and silver. The salesperson thought all three finishes were put on with the same process, except for the color, but they looked liked differeent finishes to me. The black looked like it had been lacquered, and the red and silver felt more like anodized aluminium (flat surface, without shine) to the touch. I do not care about the color for cosmetic reasons, but I am concerned about which will hold up best if there really is a difference in how they are applied. IIRC, there was a wear problem with balck Leica M bodies in the 70's which caused them to loose thier finish prematurely. Does anybody know if the Sony's finishes are actually processed differently for each color, or are just the colors different but the process is the same? Thanks!
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