Yellow-billed cuckoo
What an elusive bird! I usually only have the chance to see them flying high in the trees but a week ago I was birding my area, actually chasing dickcissels, when some movement low to the ground in a ditch just across a small farm road in front of a huge cattle ranch caught my attention. Low and behold it was a yellow-billed cuckoo in the thistle. It then immediately noticed that I was looking at it so it took off but the trees were not very large in the this ditch so I had the chance to get a few shots. Turns out there were actually two there but I believe this is the same one in all frames.

The white in the background is actually a huge building housing farm equipment and it also houses a metallurgic type company that makes large metal frames for industry.

The white in the background is actually a huge building housing farm equipment and it also houses a metallurgic type company that makes large metal frames for industry.
Comments NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thanks Harry..I was excited.
Dickcissels... from the sound of them, we probably have a million at HWNR.
My SmugMug
Thanks! I am sure there are a ton at Hagerman!
I know how had it is to get focus when they refuse to come out of the, well done.