Panasonic FZ20

I should have asked opinions first, but we just ordered one yesterday. Would have preferred another D70. But the need is mainly for macro and garden shots, and I couldn't afford to set up another D70 with that lens plus a couple more. And if it wasn't fully kitted, Paul and I would be constantly fighting over who has lens-rights when we both want the 300 or the macro or whatever at the same time. Looking at the Smugmug sites of FZ20 users, the images look excellent. The newer FZ5 doesn't have some of the 20's features: and the newer still FZ30 has not yet hit Australia. The camera store people say they "don't know" when it will arrive.
So we opted for the FZ20 and hope it will meet our needs. Firstly for the garden/macro work, secondly as a reasonable zoom back-up or second operator camera for the dog sports. I hope it will do both of those for us - and that I don't end up kicking myself for not getting another SLR. Could anyone who uses one tell me what they think - whether it is as good a second camera as I could get for the price, or should I have researched a bit more before deciding??
So we opted for the FZ20 and hope it will meet our needs. Firstly for the garden/macro work, secondly as a reasonable zoom back-up or second operator camera for the dog sports. I hope it will do both of those for us - and that I don't end up kicking myself for not getting another SLR. Could anyone who uses one tell me what they think - whether it is as good a second camera as I could get for the price, or should I have researched a bit more before deciding??
Possum Corner
It was the camera that brought me back to digital, an excellent camera!!You can go to my galleries if you like and check it out. The shots without the tag lines on the bottom are all FZ20 shots. You will need a Nikon 5T & 6T to make decent macro, not mandatory but they help with working distance.
My Galleries
I really like the FZ20- it's a very nice spot between point and shoots, and SLRs.
Sometimes I wish I had an SLR, but the fact that I can go between 12x zoom, and a fairly good macro on the same lens makes me pretty happy. I've seen pictures come out of high-end SLRs and I thought, "oh man, I could never do that.." but I can't do them with the high-end SLRs either.
It's an all-round solid camera. Great for taking to events where you want good pictures, but not a big camera bag.
And I love taking macro shots with it.
Take a look at this site- InsideWoodland.
All of my recent pictures were taken with the FZ20- everything from spider macro shots, to food macros, to 12x shots of people at the fair.
But a friend of mine likes my pictures, and he wants to get the same camera for pictures of his baby. I keep telling him "it's not that type of thing." Someone without the skill and patience to use it would be frustrated by trying to take good pictures of a running kid indoors.
Thanks MachineGun and Karl for your replies. Today I was to pick up the FZ20, but just found the FZ30 is now going to be here within 3 weeks. I had wanted it for an event in 2 week's time. So back to indecisive square one. To take the FZ20 today, wait for the 30, or wait yet another couple of months to afford another DSLR?
I feel like I have read a thousand forum entries (it's probably only two or three hundred), looked at as many websites for Panasonic, Konica-Minolta (which has also just arrived) and Nikon D50. This is "only" to choose a back-up camera for our D70, so it should not be giving me all this grief. It was easier selecting the D70: that was only a two-horse race and Nikon loyalty made it an easy choice for me.
Now the new Sony has to appear to add to the matrix. Has anyone else just drawn a numbered straw to select a camera? I won't, but I'm tempted.
Thanks Ed, yes I saw, I was in Teds today, they are helpful but cannot guarantee it will be on the shelves on the due date, and said it is quite often a few days or a week later than they expect for any new release to be available.
I was where you are now last year: at Ted's to get an FZ20 to try digital. Thought I would be continuing SLR work with the film cameras. Convinced by staff there to go straight to DSLR, they were so right, I think if you have one camera it has to be DSLR if you have the choice. Portability is an issue I know but today I was racing around to some dog training stuff, then dropped in to the local cricket ground and took some shots of the first match of the season. Haven't done cricket before, it was fun. The 300 wished it was a 500 but it isn't so will have to learn to live with itself. But I'm 65 (years, not ISO) and don't see the small extra size or weight as a drawback. I think I mean here that even the Panasonic will need a serious bag to keep it protected and secure, not much difference in bag sizes.
Anyway Teds were great, I still don't know which camera I'm going to end up with but it is not a bad problem to have I guess. Have tacked a short PM to you, re Teds policy.
I was just on the B&H website -- they seem to have the Panasonic FZ30 in stock -- $649.
Here is the link --
Search on Panasonic FZ30 and it should come up.
Seeking the Decisive Moment, thanks Henri
Frank, we're in Australia - importing a camera from the US before it is released here would be a bit iffy, both taxwise and warranty/guarantee also (plus not getting caught out on the Exchange-rate). For lenses and so on it's fine, haven't tried it myself yet, but people here do order other equipment from (I think) B&H without any problems. Thanks for the reminder about them.
Sorry Mate -- I lost track of who I was talking to!
But...I've bought things from Oz -- and paid a pretty penny in shipping and what not.
Prolly best to wait until the camera 'arrives'. But -- now you know it is available from B&H New York!
Frank (In the land of milk and cameras)
Seeking the Decisive Moment, thanks Henri