Shot some wedding pis last weekend with Path
My youngest daughter got married on 9-3 and I was able to get a few shots. It was a small wedding and Path was the official wedding photographer. He did a great job, was extremely tolerant of all the people and the ensuing confusion. Well not too much of that-my kids took on the people moving and organization duties. I want to publically thank him on this forum (which is so important to him) for all his time and effort. It was awesome having family involved and committed to helping make that day special for my 'little girl'. I knew I'd have to be lucky to find a"pro" who could have done as good a job even though money wasn't an issue. A big time Indy Pro shot my nieces' wedding and I'd but paths work up to his anytime. Sometimes its good to have a genius for a big brother/ though it sucks when growing up with Mom expecting me to graduate Magnum cum laude and get into Harvard and Stanford-fat chance. Well:
Thanks Path-love you in spite of your grumpiness.
Well here are a few shots: The bride

the couple:

the groom:

a kiss

the wedding planner-big sister kicking ass and taking names

the ring bearer-grooms nephew

The men in her life-Dad brothers and husband

the party

Whoops wheres the groom

whoops wheres the bride

there we go

where'd I park the car-oh look bubbles

Worn out leaving the party

I know this is a long post - and I thank you for your indulgence in letting me relive this wonderful day through posting these photos... look forward to Paths posts............Ain't family great...............Mereimage
Thanks Path-love you in spite of your grumpiness.
Well here are a few shots: The bride

the couple:

the groom:

a kiss

the wedding planner-big sister kicking ass and taking names

the ring bearer-grooms nephew

The men in her life-Dad brothers and husband

the party

Whoops wheres the groom

whoops wheres the bride

there we go

where'd I park the car-oh look bubbles

Worn out leaving the party

I know this is a long post - and I thank you for your indulgence in letting me relive this wonderful day through posting these photos... look forward to Paths posts............Ain't family great...............Mereimage
Great series of photos. Always good to see the candid shots from the big day and not just the formal stuff. The party shot is a great momento but the only things that I see missing are...
1. the guest shovelling in the free food
2. the mandatory drunk bloke dancing like a fool
3. the bride and grooms car or hotel room after the friends have attacked it
18-55mm, 28-105mm USM II, 50mm f/1.8, 400mm f/5.6
2: What free food -Cash Bar and Grill
3: Any drunk still dances better than me
4: No room-they had a limo to the airport at 3:45 AM for a surprise Honeymoon cruise in the Carribean and big sister was left behind to clean up
Hey thanks for looking...................Mereimage
I checked out your smugmug gallery.....I want her
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or a hug from a warm teddy bear
Yo Shaft, waz up--Nice avatar
Nice shots you got there, mereimage... I'm sure the bride and groom will be really happy with them!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Take care!
-- thiago
Thanks for stopping by and commenting- its always good ot see you've reached someone with a post......................Mereimage
He was up in the corner -very back of the outdoor cage ~ 20 yards away , got up and walked nonchalantly to the very front of the cage right in front of all the viewers turned his ass to us and took a gigantic shat.............Who says there no such thing as animal intelligence....We knew we were just given the finger
Thanks Elf................................Mereimage