Wedding Portrait - PS'ed to create soft focus effect - please give your openion on...
.....Please give your openion on how to improve this.
So how can I improve this shot? I was trying a photoshop technique I just read on here and I thought I would try it on a picture I took last weekend.
The photoshopping I did was:
* duplicated the background, renamed it faces, and using the healing tool I removed the wrinkles.
* I reduced the opacity of this level so the details werent totally done away with, just reduced.
* I selected just the eyes on the original layer and duplicated that selection, renamed the layer to eyes, and did an unsharpen mask. Then I masked it so its just the eyes.
* created a curves adjustment layer to brighten the picture for the next step.
* I duplicated the merged copy of the background and faces *ctrl alt c* and pasted this layer above the rest. I changed the layer mode to multiply, and did a guassian blur on this, at 20%.
* I then linked this guassian layer to the curves layer below it, and masked out the eyes so the original eyes show through.
I dont know if the eyes stand out to much or if I should mask some more stuff to show through.
Whats everyone's opinion on this picture? Be honest now please. :0)
It seems the linked picture isnt working right now but it should soon.
So how can I improve this shot? I was trying a photoshop technique I just read on here and I thought I would try it on a picture I took last weekend.
The photoshopping I did was:
* duplicated the background, renamed it faces, and using the healing tool I removed the wrinkles.
* I reduced the opacity of this level so the details werent totally done away with, just reduced.
* I selected just the eyes on the original layer and duplicated that selection, renamed the layer to eyes, and did an unsharpen mask. Then I masked it so its just the eyes.
* created a curves adjustment layer to brighten the picture for the next step.
* I duplicated the merged copy of the background and faces *ctrl alt c* and pasted this layer above the rest. I changed the layer mode to multiply, and did a guassian blur on this, at 20%.
* I then linked this guassian layer to the curves layer below it, and masked out the eyes so the original eyes show through.
I dont know if the eyes stand out to much or if I should mask some more stuff to show through.
Whats everyone's opinion on this picture? Be honest now please. :0)
It seems the linked picture isnt working right now but it should soon.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Other items that need to stay sharp:
- start of hairline
- lips
- some of the nose
- and pending DOF, everything that is in the same focal plane as the eyes.
Things that look good soft:
- skin
- back ground
- thinks that are supposed to be outside the artificial DOF.
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here:
and now a closeup of the face
I didnt bother with the background yet. I originally tried to desaturate it but it made it even darker.