CS5 Questions

I just downloaded the new CS5 and while I like some of the features there's some I don't.
If someone knows a short cut to make a photo bigger or smaller while working on it I would love to know it. The little drop down changer is a pain.
If someone knows a short cut to make a photo bigger or smaller while working on it I would love to know it. The little drop down changer is a pain.

i use ctrl + or ctrl -
on my windows system...
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Thanks a bunch -- that's what I mean
My site
oh that's cool. i have to try that myself. is it accurate? i do have a wacom intuos 4 with the jog. when i zoom with that it's rather awkward. always zooming a bit to much or just not enough. i just like to be able to quickly return to a 100% view and not 105% (for example)
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Ctl-Alt-0 is the quickest way.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Oh...now I just tried this. Cool
spacebar is panning
Now...if only you could do that in ACR...please tell me I'm missing something.
I'm beginning to find I can do a lot more editing in ACR via the adjustment brush that I used to do in PS. Zooming is a pain though.
ACR (in Windows) doesn't recognize the scroll wheel for anything, not even changing slider numeric settings. It's just dumb.
edit ;
just discovered :
when using keyboard , its Ctrl + -and or +key
edit ; tip ;
go to ;
edit ,
at bottom of list is ; keyboard shortcuts
here you can assign your own keys
Yes it does! Thanks!
Interesting. Alt-scroll does zoom for me in ACR--I had never tried that before, so thanks for the tip--but nothing I do makes the scroll wheel work in the slider controls there. It works fine in PS sliders.
click on slider first , so its highlighted , then scroll should work
you are right , on some sliders the scroll wont work in ACR
but in layers they dont work either
think that's in the photoshop system
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
you can crop in 2 ways
-the crop-tool [C]
- rectangular selection [marque] [M] ,then , from menu / image / crop
Just wanted to make sure -- sometimes I do things thinking I can...only to find out I shouldn't do it that way.
it is said that its the best way of learning
So true
found it
use up/down arrow-key's