Can I use LR3 for Post Processing but use Aperture 3 just for Facial Recognition?

I keep all images on and external drive and rely on LR3 plus Photoshop for all post processing, and publishing to SmugMug galleries. But I have thousands of images that would benefit greatly from facial recognition info.
If I install Aperture 3, and tell it where the images are (i.e., not change their location), can I use the facial image recognition feature without changing the image files in a way that would mess up how LR3 works? I’m hesitant to just experiment, and hope someone has tried this, or would at least know what and where the risks are.
I am hoping Aperture can just create its own database leaving the images unchanged.
The next step, as I imagine this working, would be for Aperture to add to IPTC keywords metadata field that would allow facial recognition data to be useable from within LR3, and also from within SmugMug for images published there.
Is this a pipe dream, or might it be possible to do this?
If I install Aperture 3, and tell it where the images are (i.e., not change their location), can I use the facial image recognition feature without changing the image files in a way that would mess up how LR3 works? I’m hesitant to just experiment, and hope someone has tried this, or would at least know what and where the risks are.
I am hoping Aperture can just create its own database leaving the images unchanged.
The next step, as I imagine this working, would be for Aperture to add to IPTC keywords metadata field that would allow facial recognition data to be useable from within LR3, and also from within SmugMug for images published there.
Is this a pipe dream, or might it be possible to do this?
I'm not sure where Aperture keeps the faces information-- if it's in a standard EXIF on the XMP sidecar, it's possible that LR can read it.
I've heard that AperRoom is actually under development by a secret group that include some of best software minds at both Adobe and Apple, but it is SO SECRET that not even the supervisors of these brave souls know they are doing it, and certainly not top management. But don't tell anyone, and if you quote me as your source, I'll deny it.
Regarding my problem, I agree that the question you've articulated is at the heart of my question. I think I'll just fire up Aperture, do some face recognizing, and then see what files have been changed, which will give me a start. I just won't connect Aperture to my primary LR library until I know what's happening.