Good Post Production Software?

Hi there, hope you all well..
Im looking for a post production software program that will allow me to make quick simple and interesting changes to the photos without going into too much detail
I have photoshop and I love it but i spend hours and hours doing things to one photo, I used a program on a friends iPad and it came up with some amazing and fantastic changes that were pre-programmed
So basically im looking for a program that offers quick simple cool looking changes to casual photos.. anything free would probably be preferable..
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Im looking for a post production software program that will allow me to make quick simple and interesting changes to the photos without going into too much detail
I have photoshop and I love it but i spend hours and hours doing things to one photo, I used a program on a friends iPad and it came up with some amazing and fantastic changes that were pre-programmed
So basically im looking for a program that offers quick simple cool looking changes to casual photos.. anything free would probably be preferable..
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Lightroom, of course, is the obvious (and very highly-regarded) choice for basic, non-layers adjustment and processing (as well as cataloging). I personally couldn't manage without it, and do 80% of me "real" editing in LR. Definitely not free, however.
thank you very much, precisely what i was looking for, very helpful post!
thank you
And, if you have a Mac, the Preview software has a basic editor functionality that also does RAW.
If you want good quality quick and easy effects why not use your camera's styles and shoot jpg? Or play with white balance, dof, shutter etc. Put some homemade lens filters, like pantyhose, on your lens, or shoot through glass. Your imagination and creativity are pretty much free and unlimited.
In my experience, to get the most out of any effects software you have to prepare your images well. So they have to be basically pretty right out of camera, and then you have to do basic tweaks (especially if you are shooting RAW, and then that also means converting). Good quality third party basic editing and conversion software ranges from $100 to $300. As mentioned Lightroom 3.4 is a good choice. Obviously since you are already using Photoshop there is the AdobeCameraRaw option.
What effects software you choose depends as I've said on your standards, and also your aim, use and your subject. It's not likely that you'd treat portraits, landscape and architecture with the same filters. The state of the art software - best image quality, best variety and customisation - is expensive, eg Nik, and onOne. These are meant for serious amateurs and professionals. Topaz filters, Imagenomics, and DigitalFilmTools filters, which are a bit cheaper, are top quality and certainly worth mentioning and looking into. You have to contribute some work and discrimination of your own with any of these, but the results can be unique and stunning.
If you just want to get an instantaneous throwaway kind of buzz from dressing up your shots in various guises, eg contrasty moody b&w, hdr, Lensbaby blur, etc, well, actually I don't have any suggestions outside of the phone/pad apps. The results from these are ok at 72ppi on your screen but mostly hopeless for real photographs.
Please let us know what you discover!
I too use Picasa for simple edits. Picasa has one of the nicest straightening tool that I have found. Color correction is a little weak but, in general Picasa is very nice to use.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Excellent suggestion!
For Beauty Shots, I usually use Imagenomic Portraiture for Skin smoothening
For other effects, I use onOne
and for everything else, I use the Topaz bundle