Huge Project

So I am currently doing a project for a client that is having me download user images to my computer using right click-save as. Once there I am pulling information from my client's website to put in a text box in the picture. I also have to re-size these pictures to either 5x7 and 8x10 for print. Here is the rub, because they are all user images they are anywhere from 480x600 up to 4000x6000 pixels and I need to get a completely uniform final product for print. I am currently using photoshop and lightroom and I can get a consistent product, with varying quality, but with a lot of time spent on each picture. I'm doing this for 1000 pictures! Does anyone have an idea for a cheap and or easy solution to streamlining this project? Thanks for the help!
Does your client own these images? Is there a reason your client can't provide you with the images on DVD's , or hard drive?
Explain to your client that going online and copying each individual image is time consuming and will cost them a lot more than if they provide the images on DVD's or a portable hard drive.
If the images vary in size from 480x600 up to 4000x6000 pixels there isn't any way the final cropped images will be consistent quality.
If the text box information is different for each image and the crop can vary between 5X7 or 8X10 then it looks like you will need to handle each image individually.
Maybe if you told us what the final product is and the use we could help more in streamlining your workflow.
Aside from the time problem of processing a thousand images, you've got a resolution problem. A 480x600 image cropped to 5x7 in. for print has a resolution of only 87 ppi. It's hard to see how you would get an acceptable print from that.
Good Luck.
I hope your getting paid by the hour.