50mm ASPH Summilux f/1.4 shots
I ordered a 50mm summilux weeks ago and it finally came in. Unfortunately, I haven't had the ability to shoot with it as much as I would have hoped. The lens is incredible though; razor sharp & great bokeh.
All shots taken on an Epson R-D1:
Taken while in mid-swing. You can count the individual hairs, it is amazing. And pretty impressive that my wife now lows manual focus lenses. Yeah, that's me in the background.

fore & aft bokeh:
All shots taken on an Epson R-D1:
Taken while in mid-swing. You can count the individual hairs, it is amazing. And pretty impressive that my wife now lows manual focus lenses. Yeah, that's me in the background.

fore & aft bokeh:

lovely - talk about sharp, too
do you have a gallery? would love to see more shots from that epson. also, how about a little comments on that camera
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very very sharp-I will wait and see how it performs in low light.
that lens and the voigtlander f1.2 noctilux are ,imho, the nicest 50mm lenses.
Longitude: 145° 08'East
Canon 20d,EFS-60mm Macro,Canon 85mm/1.8. Pentax Spotmatic SP,Pentax Super Takumars 50/1.4 &135/3.5,Pentax Super-Multi-Coated Takumars 200/4 ,300/4,400/5.6,Sigma 600/8.
those are really amazing. I just took some shots of my cousin on a swing like that and it was real hard to focus right, even with autofocus. I agree with Andy, I would love to see a gallery of your work.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
You can see more pics from the 'lux by clicking here. The pics of him sleeping were taken at f/1.4 with a yellow filter. A small 60watt bulb lit the room. I think the shutter speed was 1/30.
The camera? I love it. My previous cameras were a D30 & D60. I had a bunch of lenses (28-135 USM,70-200L, 100mm macro, etc) and loved the cameras, but hated the bulk. I also hated the attention I got whenever I would pull out the DSLR to take a picture. They screamed 'professional' and always changed the atmosphere in the room. When the R-D1 was announced, I followed it with great anticipation. Small camera, interchangeable lenses, manual everything (although it does an have an aperture priority mode).
This camera has changed the way I take pictures. It makes me think about the picture I am trying to take. It is small and portable, and can mount arguably the best lenses in the world. I love the B&W mode, with 'virtual' filters. In the past, I used to develop b&w prints, and the R-D1 is very similar to tri-x dipped in D-76.
The funny thing is that this camera re-invoked my longing for film, and I find myself now shooting film & digital simultaneously. When I need a 50mm lense, I slap it on a leica rangefinder that I picked up.. Both cameras in a bag, with multiple lenses and it is way lighter then my DSLR setup.
With regards to lenses, the beauty of the R-D1 is that it can take old Leica threadmount lenses. Some of these lenses are simply amazing in the way that they draw light. I picked up a 50mm summicron from the mid-50's, and a leica summar from 1937. The summar draws light like no other lense that I have. Yeah, it is hazy, yes, there scratches on the surface, and yep, lots of vignetting & aberrations, but I love it and the bokeh. Here's a pic from the beach:
Strangely enough, my wife, who knew nothing about cameras _loves_ the R-D1. She's been asking me about the relationship between the aperture & shutter speed, depth of field, etc. Before this, she looked at the D60/D30 as a large complex camera with too many buttons & settings. Not so with the R-D1; it is a simple camera. The film advance lever cocks the shutter, and the shutter release button is mechanical and immediate. When I pickup my D60, or my friends 20d, the shutter lag drives me crazy. I hate the autofocus, I hate the shutter lag. It slows me down.
I still use my D60 for landscape & macro work, but my primary camera is now the R-D1, and the lecia for film. I am a total rangefinder convert. It's small, does not draw attention, and because it accepts leica mount lenses, I have 70 years of lense designs to choose from.
Problems with the R-D1? Yeah, I'm on my third body. Epson is great though, and has really gone the extra mile to replace cameras with defects. Would I buy one again, absolutely. My wife, who hated cameras before the R-D1, calls it 'her' camera when I'm shooting with the leica.
Haha, I need to put something together. You can find the summilux gallery here. I have to warn you though, it is no gallery by any means, just a bunch of pics thrown together. I'm using smugmug as a place to put up pics for family, but that is changing as I add some of 'my' intended galleries from Rome, etc.
The first swing pic posted earlier was taken by my wife, this one is my version.
Welcome to DGrin and I hope you decide to stay here for a long time.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
I love your Project Nigel Movie (yes, I did a little snooping).
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Well now you've done it. Now I'm feeling guilty.
I sold all my screw mount gear to buy Canon digital stuff 20d etc.
Still have my M3 and a couple of lenses and am about to sell 'em. Still will sell but not without wondering what I might be able to do with an Epson.
Been thinking of getting a Panasonic -- either FZ30 or LC1. Not as simple as the Epson but -- more capable? Less simple is more like it. And the lens may say Leica but I'm sure it is not the same.
But in the end its the lenses -- and the uncoated screw mount lenses are really wonderful.
Your photos are great. They show what freedom a rangefinder gives you.
My ultimate photo hero is HCB -- I don't think he would be running around with a 20 pound backpack full of gear...
Seeking the Decisive Moment, thanks Henri
I love the "look" of your pictures .
Very nice pictures indeed!
I will be looking forward to see more of your B/W Epson pictures.
Peter Dumont
I'm with you on the film and digital pathway but with a very much less advanced film camera-I picked up a very clean Spotmatic recently,for not much at all, and have mated it to a SMC Takumar 200/4-great lens and I am enjoying having a film camera in the pack-its also quite small when compared to my 20d so gets carried around a lot more for street shooting etc-the 50/1.4 Super Takumar it came with is a nice lens also.
The Epson looks very nice,apart from the steep price, however access to the Leica glass is very tempting but once one goes there....
Longitude: 145° 08'East
Canon 20d,EFS-60mm Macro,Canon 85mm/1.8. Pentax Spotmatic SP,Pentax Super Takumars 50/1.4 &135/3.5,Pentax Super-Multi-Coated Takumars 200/4 ,300/4,400/5.6,Sigma 600/8.