Adobe Lightroom 3 - Free Video Tutorials

A collection of my Lightroom tutorials 
Lightroom 3 - Set-up and Importing
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Lightroom 3: Portrait Editing
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="700" height="438" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>
Lightroom 3: Droplets
Lightroom 3: Filters Panel Explained
Lightroom 3: Collections Explained
Lightroom 3: Teeth Whitening
Lightroom 3: Enhancing Eyes
Lightroom 3: Synchronizing Folders
Lightroom 3: Creating Custom Export Presets
Lightroom 3: Which File Format Is Better? .PSD or .TIFF?
Lightroom 3 & Photoshop CS5 HDR Pro Workflow
Lightroom 3: Portrait Editing Layla - Part 1 of 3
Lightroom 3: Printing and the Print Module Explained [/COLOR]
Lightroom 3: Developing Raw Images*NEW*

Lightroom 3 - Set-up and Importing
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="700" height="438" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>
Lightroom 3: Portrait Editing
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="700" height="438" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>
Lightroom 3: Droplets
Lightroom 3: Filters Panel Explained
Lightroom 3: Collections Explained
Lightroom 3: Teeth Whitening
Lightroom 3: Enhancing Eyes
Lightroom 3: Synchronizing Folders
Lightroom 3: Creating Custom Export Presets
Lightroom 3: Which File Format Is Better? .PSD or .TIFF?
Lightroom 3 & Photoshop CS5 HDR Pro Workflow
Lightroom 3: Portrait Editing Layla - Part 1 of 3
Lightroom 3: Printing and the Print Module Explained [/COLOR]
Lightroom 3: Developing Raw Images*NEW*
Images of Him Photography
I just finished another Lightroom Video Tutorial on Filters:
Lightroom 3: Filters Panel Explained
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
Lightroom 3: Droplets
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
Teeth Whitening in Lightroom 3
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
Lightroom 3: Enhancing Eyes
Lightroom 3: Synchronizing Folders
Lightroom 3: Creating Custom Export Presets
Lightroom 3: Which File Format Is Better? .PSD or .TIFF?
Lightroom 3 & Photoshop CS5 HDR Pro Workflow
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
If you have any questions please just fire away here or under the video clips there is a comment area.
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
The link isn't working...
Images of Him Photography
Sorry about that!
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
Ready to start Printing??? Lightroom 3: Printing and the Print Module explained is now ready for viewing
Lightroom 3: Printing and the Print Module Explained *NEW*
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
I appreciate the efforts.
CBS Sports MaxPreps Shooter
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Hows your trial experience going?
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
Your videos are immensely helpful though, and they're short enough that I can watch one or even watch it twice. Then I'll go back & try to have the video open at the same time as LR, & stop the video in certain places so I can try stuff. I should also watch them & take notes. I don't know if you can do anything about resolution in future vids, but one problem I have is that the normal or slightly larger mode aren't large enough to easily see what the words on the screen are saying, or to see your mouse pointer. If I switch to full-screen, it's pretty fuzzy. Everyone's tutorial vids seem to have this problem though, so maybe it's something you can't change. I find too too that I'm at such a basic level with general comfort in getting around a new program that I'm a little in over my head.
What I'm finding very confusing in LR are the following things:
1. The differences in selecting files, putting a check-mark on files, or putting files in a quick collection. (that last part happens w/ me not knowing how/why.)
2. The gazillions of options in all the menus, and not knowing what they do or why I should or should not choose them.
3. How or when changes getting made to a file are really getting made, and to where.
4. The difference between syncing (I've found 2 different types of syncing in LR, so they should have used 2 different wordings) and copying/pasting .... probably my biggest use for LR is going to be taking what color/lighting corrections I've done to one file & adding them to another file, or a whole group of files, so this is going to be critical.
5. I've gotten LR to recognize all my SmugMug galleries, etc. & am logged in, but can't figure out any way to actually export anything to SmugMug, or perhaps what they call "Publish". I fished all over the place & got nowhere.
Having said all this, I don't have a manual or instructional book yet, so these will hopefully help. I just put some in my Amazon cart but have to make some final choices. I wish there was a book on using Photoshop 4 & LR 3 together, but of course there's not. The other thing that will help is if I can finally choose an organizational method & start implementing it. I still haven't decided whether to go with a mostly chronological (date-based) method or not. Krogh, in the DAM book, gives so many reasons why NOT to go this way.... so, I dunno. Until I do that, it's hard to be confident about having LR create folders, etc. since I don't know what to tell it to call them. But, well... one step at a time... aaaargh!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Well, Based on the sounds of this you are off to a great start!! Lightroom is Very powerful just like photoshop, so inevitable there is going to be 5 ways to do everything. Everybody learns differently and my tutorials on lightroom tend to lean towards intermediate.
What I recommend is just keep it simple. Do your basic tasks and then branch out here and there as you get comfortable. Then if you don't know something that you really need to know, do a google on it. If you can't find it, ask here.
The quick collection issue is an easy fix! There is a little circle on the top right of the thumbnail image in Library mode. Hover over it and you will see it light up. Your accidentally clicking that. I've done it a million times.
As far as organizing your photos goes. I decided years ago the only way that works for me is by year. I have a monster database in lightroom with all sorts of hard drives hooked up. 1 of the external drives is on my Network and all my older photos are categorized by year. The folder structure looks like this:
Pictures> 2006> 022306> birthday.jpg
Pictures being the master folder, A 2006 folder within the pictures folder, A 022306 folder within the 2006 folder for that specific date, then within that folder the image birthday.jpeg itself.
I hope that helps,
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
Lightroom 3: Developing Raw Images*NEW* - Free Photography Tutorials
Awesome! I'll have to check it out soon. I've yet to use LR3 only because I have no time to learn new things...
Photos | Blog | Youtube - Free Photography Tutorials
Sharpening in Adobe Lightroom 3 is much more powerful than previous versions and in this video tutorial I will walk you through the process.
Lightroom 3: Sharpening Explained
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials
In this Lightroom 3 video tutorial I will take you through developing a really nice flower image I took a while back with the Canon 5D Mark II and the Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS Lens. We will go over several techniques and tricks of the trade when it comes to utilizing the power of Lightroom 3.
Lightroom 3: Developing Photos - Episode #2 |
Jay - Free Photography Tutorials