Bay lap prints more expensive through smugmug?
I just started with smugmug and so far love it. Lately I have been debating if upgrading to Pro for the printing with Bay Lab would be worth the extra cost. So I started looking at the prices and noticed that prices on smugmug for some/many items are higher then that of the Bay Lab website. For example a 4x6 metal print from Bay Lap is $11 but smugmug has it listed for $18.13. Bay Labs charge an extra 15% for metallic prints but smugmug has them for much higher. Am I missing something here? Also how much better are the Bay Lab prints from that of what I would get with the power account? I am by no means a pro.
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OK Thanks Andy. What about the metallic prints? $0.79 for a 4x5 at smugmug and only $0.56 with full color correction at Bay Labs.
Basically I am trying to justify the extra cost of Pro just so I can have the convenience to print with Bay Labs. My site will mainly be for family members to easily view and print photos that I took of them. I am not making money from this and just want the option to have the best quality. It would be great if Bay Labs would be included in the Power account. Has there been any discussion on this?
4x6 Lustre at SmugMug with CC on: 38 cents
4x6 Lustre at Bay with CC on: 49 cents
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Also I signed up just over a week ago with a 20% off coupon. If I upgrade to Pro could I still utilize that so it would only be $120 for the first year? Right now if I upgrade it will charge me $86.20 so that with the $48 I already payed would come to $134.20. I realize we are not talking about much here but I am already stretching the idea that I need Pro.
We try to keep the prices inline - but we don't guarantee this. Please write our Support Heroes and we'll hook you up with your pro account upgrade
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Awesome, thanks Andy!
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