online photoshop classes
One thing I've learned here is that I know little to nothing about how to post process photos.
I'd like to shorten the learning curve by taking some online classes.
Any thoughts on the ones taught at
or any other suggestions?
I'd like to shorten the learning curve by taking some online classes.
Any thoughts on the ones taught at
or any other suggestions?
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
arodney, I'm looking at a beginners view. Would love to learn to use about half of its potential in the next 6 months to a year.
What I like about Kelby
Instructors are fun and you feel like you get to know a little more about them and much of the onsite photography stuff is really cool.
Some of the courses also come with some download files at no extra cost
What I don't like about Kelby
To me navigation and searching for a course or specific subject is always tough
What I Like about Lynda
They have such a wide range of courses if you are also interest in MS office applications, or web design etc... they have a huge library
What I don't like
$50 more for yearly subscribtion
Need a higher level (more expensive) subscription to get course related download files
Price Month to Month is about the same
I had Lynda for over a year and some overlap for about four months where I had both. Right now I am in a year of Kelby. I may just jump back and forth until --- I think know it all
Canon 7D, 70-200mm L, 50 and 85 primes, Tamron 17-50, 28-135