DEAL: Samsung TL500 for $230
Samy's Camera:
Phenomenal deal for a phenomenal p&s-- shoots raw, articulated screen, front and rear control dials, solid feel, fantastic lens. This is a camera that competes with the Canon G-series and Panasonic LX-series.
For sample images, there's an appreciation thread (EX1 is the Euro name for this camera) over at Seriouscompacts.
Here's a sample image from my own camera-- did almost nothing in raw except tweak the wb:
Phenomenal deal for a phenomenal p&s-- shoots raw, articulated screen, front and rear control dials, solid feel, fantastic lens. This is a camera that competes with the Canon G-series and Panasonic LX-series.
For sample images, there's an appreciation thread (EX1 is the Euro name for this camera) over at Seriouscompacts.
Here's a sample image from my own camera-- did almost nothing in raw except tweak the wb:

Looks good