best of the best cs5 plugins

Are there a definintave group of tried and tested pluginns for cs5 using 32bit vista that you can reccomend for high end work?
Say for Landscape, Portrait and street photography.
What do you use and why?
Say for Landscape, Portrait and street photography.
What do you use and why?
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.
i still dont understand why , after all these years , every one refuse to make 64bit plugins [ and not only plugins ]
windows 128bit is on its way
are they waiting for that or what ?
I have a number of plugins and they are all 16 bit. On One and Nik as examples.
This I agree with!
Sam true. Sign me up when the unsuck filter is available (32 or 64 bit is fine).
Commercial Photographer
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Don't forget, a lot of great action scripts out there too.
Photos by KJS | Flickr | Blog | 500px | Google+
Nik Color Pro, OnOne software,Totally Rad.keep us posted !
1. Active support. Does the plugin manufacturer actively support the plugin?
The Polaroid Dust and Scratch filter is a prime example of this. It is a wonderful plugin for cleaning up dirt and scratches off of a scanned print. But it's 32-bit, and for Mac users, PowerPC. Odds of me launching CS5 in 32-bit rosetta mode, near 0%.
... Or Magic Focus, which I'd love to try, but has been in "new version coming soon" since forever. Or Kodak's ASF tools, which are "NEW! for CS3." I emailed Kodak support regarding a 64-bit version of their tools. They responded very quickly-- with a "we'll wait and see."
2. Functionality: for me to look at a plugin, it needs to either do something that I can't do in Photoshop, or which has a significant time savings impact. Noise reduction is a prime example-- outside of ACR, the noise reduction tools in Photoshop are quite limited. Also tools like Topaz Detail. I could ape the functionality of what Topaz Detail does in a very limited way in PS, but not with the level of quality that Detail offers.
3. Usage. As nice as Silver Efex may be, I don't do enough B&W to justify it's price.
4. Upgrade paths. Let's face it, time marches on, and at some point, we will all be using CS6, 7, 8. 9 ... what are the upgrade options for your plugin? Topaz Labs is particularly nice in this regard, having historically offered free upgrades across the board. On the other hand, no one really wants to re-buy the same plugin they've already bought, just to get bug fixes or compatibility updates. Admittedly, past performance does not guarantee future results
So what plugins do I use?
In Adobe: the scratch and dust filter, median blur, and lens blur tools (mostly for scanning images.)
TopazLabs: Detail, Denoise, Adjust, InFocus. InFocus gets used least frequently. Denoise gets pulled out when I accidently shoot at ISO 25600 (oops!) as it can give better results than ACR. Detail for sharpening and image enhancement, Adjust for adding depth and color to images.
PhotoWiz: Colorwasher, for quick WB and tonal corrections.
Currently evaluating: Nik Viveza 2 and Color Efex. (15 day trials? boo, hiss!)