Can Hair be Virtually Dyed?

I am playing with a photo of myself just to gain more experience using Photoshop and Portrait Professional.
It started me thinking, can hair be virtually dyed? - I would like to make my hair a little more silver or for the fun it go back to when my hair was a Polish brown color.
Any ideas, directions, tutorials, pointers?
Thanks, Phil
It started me thinking, can hair be virtually dyed? - I would like to make my hair a little more silver or for the fun it go back to when my hair was a Polish brown color.
Any ideas, directions, tutorials, pointers?
Thanks, Phil
I tried hair control in Portrait Pro and was able to add a little color and smooth out the hair.
But I would like a little more control. Any ideas.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
If you change the hair color, will you also have to change the color of the eyelashes and eye brows also??? Probably if it is going to look correctly. Maybe with grey you can fudge a bit, but my eye brows have flecks of brown, blonde, and grey in them, so which should it be converted to.
If you can select hair neatly, you can alter it. Selections of hair, and not scalp may be challenging to achieve.
Frequently selections can be done easier in a single channel like R, G, B or even a or b in Lab. I don't think you can will be able to just paint a selection with Quick Mask and the brush tool; I think you will need more selectivity than that. Brown hair may show up better in the red or the yellow channels....
Also depends on how closely the image will be examined - a large print up close, or an avatar for the web...
I have no experience with Portrait Pro.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thanks for your thoughts Pathfinder,
I know it won't be easy, but I suspect it will be highly desirable for older folks who seem the least happy about having their photos taken, at least that is my experience.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
To darken, I used two hue/sat adjustment layers, both with "colorize" ticked. One layer in normal mode, the second in multiply mode.
Ah, the beauty of digital photography.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Did you say beauty? Yes, indeed, we can go in that direction, too ...
Oh, my sons are gonna love this.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
If you don't agree with me then your wrong.
I can't be held accountable for what I say, I'm bipolar.