senior project with jeff
Hey guys these are some of the better shots I took yesterday while working with Jeff. Looking for some C&C
I took these photos with an original rebel.
My editing software is limited, these have all undergone minor editing in google's "picasa"
Let me know what you think! Thanks everyone!
I took these photos with an original rebel.
My editing software is limited, these have all undergone minor editing in google's "picasa"
Let me know what you think! Thanks everyone!
Hey guys! looking for some C&C. Let me know what you think
PS this is my second attempt of uploading these pictures, sorry if the show up twice
These all shot with a canon rebel (original). I have limited editing software, so these have all undergone minor editing using Google's "Picasa"
Thanks Guys!
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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All 3 color ones need some white balance issues addressed. #1 should go away... Hunched / rounded shoulders add bulk plus her bored expression does not make it a winner. If she had good camera connection with her eyes it might have worked, but it doesn't. #3, she is square to the camera, so her face looks pretty round. Try to avoid faces square to the camera because any symmetry issues will show up. Also her elbow is slightly out of frame.
I like the angle of her face on 2 the best because she has a round face and needs to have it at a pretty good angle to flatter it. I think that one with a pretty severe crop (and white balance work, haha) might be a winner.
I think I might have liked #4 in a contrasty black and white and with a crop. But maybe that is just because the white balance needs work.
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Good start
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Nikon D200, D80, SB600, nikon 50mm 1.8, nikon 18-135 3.5-4.6, nikon 70-200
Thanks with the thumbs up on sharpness. My goal on this day was to get his feet wet and capture well focused and exposed images. From there, we can dive deeper into the details and complexities as we move forward.
You saw how quickly I perfected the white balance in my shots. Are you ready to " buy into " shooting RAW?
Make sure youve installed canons raw editor on your pc and then shoot some raw files to play around with.
As we collect your best shots you can save the raw files and bring them over to my workstation to edit before printing.
You did a really good job on this first try. Honestly!
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Let us know if you need help adding photos to your posts Matt.
- Alex
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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The thing that jumps out at me immediately (and distracts me so much that it almost keeps me from being able to see the photos further) is that the color balance is way off. 2 is very green/yellow, 3 is blue and 4 is very magenta. Beyond that, I like conceptually what you're trying to do with negative space. I think it works better well with #3 than with 2. In the other set there was a photo of your model small against a large white wall with a lamp at the corner. I think it works well graphically, but would be even better if it didn't have the plants sticking into the frame, which sort of break up the tones of the white/gray wall and the interesting balance of the model vs. the light. It's hard to say exactly why, but the negative space in #2 doesn't work for me. And since #4 is really a fairly standard headshot, there doesn't seem to be any reason to leave much extra space around your subject's head.