Canon 55-250 IS II
An update to the already good-value 55-250. It was patented a while back. I wonder why they did this? Just marketing, i.e., "the two-lens kit contains the two new lenses!" maybe?
An update to the already good-value 55-250. It was patented a while back. I wonder why they did this? Just marketing, i.e., "the two-lens kit contains the two new lenses!" maybe?
Looking at their specifications it would appear that there is very little difference between the 2 versions:
Old version
New version
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
4 stop IS?
Looks like a cool kit for a dslr newbie.
Actually, the photo shows the original lens, not the Mark II. I guess it's a scam or someone who just doesn't know.
yes, a marketing "upgrade"