B&W conversion - how do i do this??

how do i make photo look like this??
whenever i try making black and white it looks dull and grey
i got photoshop can someone telll me how to do it.
i also want to make photoshop action for it :cry :dunno
plz tell me how to make this
ex of what i want: http://rubberman542.deviantart.com/art/Pac-man-Black-and-White-47616310
i want it to look bold with black n white.. mine look so dull and noisy
how do i make photo look like this??
whenever i try making black and white it looks dull and grey

i got photoshop can someone telll me how to do it.
i also want to make photoshop action for it :cry :dunno
plz tell me how to make this
ex of what i want: http://rubberman542.deviantart.com/art/Pac-man-Black-and-White-47616310
i want it to look bold with black n white.. mine look so dull and noisy

1) create a black and white layer and adjust the color sliders to get the different tones you want.
2) Open a Curves layer and adjust the contrast of the image.
You can get more in depth by selectively adjusting contrast using masks.
Other than that, I don't really see anything that out of the ordinary about the picture you are looking at.
Here are a full page of links on B&W conversions - http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=114917
I am moving this thread to Finishing School since it is not about shooting, but post processing.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
It depends on the image you're starting with. Perhaps if you posted the color version of an image you want to convert, others can show you various ways to do it. There's no one formula that will produce the same results for all images.