Handwritten watermark - how to??

I don't know if this is the correct place to ask - but how can I make my own handwritten signature watermark with photoshop?
Trying to find directions on google, but can't find anything specific...
Thanks! :-)
Trying to find directions on google, but can't find anything specific...
Thanks! :-)
The way I would describe the process is that you need to think of the signature as a type of "overlay". As such I generally use a new layer, atop the image that I wish to composite with the signature. The trick is that the "background" (the part of the signature image that you will not see) needs to be "transparent".
Once you have created the signature, either by scanning or photographing a sample on white paper, or use a digitizing tablet as Art suggests, you drop out the background by making it transparent. There are several different ways you can do this, so I'll suggest some other links and a couple of different ways. (Different versions of Photoshop may also be slightly different to use):
Note that this tutorial from Andy is somewhat similar as well:
Once you have a transparent background in a layer, use Ctrl-A to select the entire image layer and then Ctrl-C to copy the signature into the buffer. Now switch to your image that needs the signature and Ctrl-V to paste your signature (with transparent background) onto the underlying picture. (On a Mac the sequence may be Cmd-A, Cmd-C and Cmd-V.)
Now you need to combine all the layers with:
Layer - Flatten Image
Save or Save-As to your preferred file type and the change is permanent.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
These techniques can be applied to any image or text including the copyright symbol.
thanks for your help !!!!!!
2. Save that as a PNG file (preserves transparent background).
3. To apply it to an image, drag it onto a separate layer, reduce fill to 0, the use layer styles for whatever effect you prefer: drop shadow, bevel, etc.
PNG file:
Bevel layer style:
Drop shadow: