Sorting image files shot on Multi Cams - same event.

I can sort files in LR but that only sorts the LR catalog...changes nothing on the original file on HD....
Is there any software (preferabley free) that can sort (quickly hopefully) Multi cam shots by capture time to get the original folder in order of capture time???
Is there any software (preferabley free) that can sort (quickly hopefully) Multi cam shots by capture time to get the original folder in order of capture time???
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True, that won't cure the original folder. If you want that, you can go to View, select details and then sort on Date Picture Taken.
Hope that helps!
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
As I said in the OP I know I can do this this in LR...but I want to sort outside of LR...sort and renumber so that my folder(s) match my catalog.....the lower tool bar in LR gets a lot of work from me and always has....
I know you're not being a smart ass and you're probably not missing anything....but I really want my HD folders to match my LR catalog....why....well so that in say a tidbit of time down the road and I want to rework a certain file in another software or just want to re work the file I can find it on the HD and start from scratch ... ... I have friends that I do allow to use some files from time to time, for teaching purposes, and they see image 203 and they want to play with I can easily send them that file if I know which it actually is... it is just an ART thing
Do a right mouse button on the bar with the file attributes on it. Choose more...
Scroll down into more until you see "Date Taken" and check that. Click OK
Go back an click on the Date Taken heading. Each time you click on it, it will toggle between up and down sort order.
This depends on the file explorer being able to find that metadata and on the metadata reflecting that actual times the pictures were taken.
If this doesn't work there are some more drastic things you can do, but try this first.
I think that IrfanView has some similar capabilities.
Do be sure to only work on copies of the files, just in case. Start with a small subset until you have the exact procedure worked out.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Dan......all images are taken on the same what explorer offers is of no use...explorer does not offer CAPTURE TIME as an option for sorting...I need capture time sorting outside of LR... ... and GOOGLING anything with "sort and Time " in the search box brings back tons of crap on time scheduling software ... ... ... sometimes I really hate GOOGLE :~]
Thanks for trying tho.
Thanks ZIGGY I will look into these...COPIES...ARE THE ONLY WAY TO GO...I did not even open my first raw file in LR as the Original...I make and delete tons and tons and tons of copies every week......always good to be reminded of that tho. :~}}
It looks like Ziggy may have some other options for you that will actually rename the files if you want to go that route.
But I'm still not sure why it matters how the originals are sorted on the hard drive. In LR where everything is organized and sorted to your liking, you can just right-click the image you want to open from the hard drive and select, "Show in Explorer" and it will open Windows Explorer with the file you want pre-selected. That way you can send the original to someone else as you mentioned you like to do. Or if you want to edit the image in another application, there's an option for that in the right-click menu as well.
in windows photo viewer...larger image and I want to sort and renumber them before I get into
LR / PS ... just my way .... I use cue cards for a lot of events but if I had a software to do
the sorting & renaming outside of PS & LR then I can be sorting one job and actually working on another...
If I do it all inside of PS or LR then I can only do 1 thing at a time...import and sort...process...then export
and rename....with other software ...I can sort and rename and be processing at the same time...
2 different jobs ......
Also I could not find anything like this addressed anywhere on the I wanted to address
it for people that do not have LR and might also need to be able to sort by capture time ...
For this one event I took the route of doing it al l in LR was a waiting game for it to import / sort
and render my previews, process and export /rename .... waiting is wasted time for me ...
in right pane choose ; Report view ( the middle of the 3 view-icons )
next to that are 2 drop-boxes
in the right one choose ;Date
strange detail ;
in my PC , Faststone and LR differ 3 seconds from e.a , but basically they display same capture time
That is instanious the sorting is done as soon as it opens a folder...
wow... ... ... ... gonna be a real time saver
That looks like a nifty little app! So are you using it to rename the photos so that the names are in chronological order? Or did sorting in Windows Explorer not work for you for some reason?
its a nice viewer indeed , and free too
I neded a stand alone software to quickly sort files from Multi Cameras events...they have to be sorted by CAPTURE TIME and FASTSTONE does this nicely
There are a couple of plugins that allow viewing of DNG and Raw in windows but not actual sorting or arranging by CAPTURE DATE.....
But I can't see away to renumber / rename in faststone...but that can be done upon export from LR.
Thanx again.
Then set the folder type to pictures and videos. Once you do that the images, including raw, are sorted by date/time taken, not the file date/time. You can also see a lot of the exif data, if you want, add the exif properties to the file properties shown by explorer
you can rename , batch-rename , convert
i know and you are right , i have them too , NEF and CR2
but i removed them as i dont like it , i prefer Faststone over Windows
Guess I had not found that yet in the instructions ... good thing I have a few RAW files copies to play with... unfortunately I am not as computer literate as I wish I just a bit of poking around and that is thing missing from the convert list ... DNG ... but I am begining to like this FastStone...
I have not remeoved the windows plugings for viewing DNG and RAWS but they are not reliable for that I mean they only work intermittently I was very excited when I found them a few months back but then they started going wonky ...for going thru and culling images it was great as I was looking at images the size3 of my screen in win image viewer....but nowe FastStone seems to load much faster than LR and givng me the speed with which it sorts and all... FastStone least for now.
Thanks agan BASflt
either right-click > rename , or hit F2 key
batch-renaming ; tools from menu , or F4 key
changes appear in LR too , after synchronize the folder