My first attempt to Long Exposure Photography - Lee filters

Here is my first play with the Lee filters. I was wondering what you people think about it?

Click here to see the photo on my website
Here is my first play with the Lee filters. I was wondering what you people think about it?

Click here to see the photo on my website
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I do wish there was less foreground and more sky/smoke visible. I would also suggest cloning out the crane to take away the one (minor) distraction.
Nice job and get ready for a lot of fun with that filter!
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But I like that crane. It brings something to the photo heheh. But yes, I know what you mean. That was all from the smoke - it was vapour and it was disappearing straight away.
Cool effect with the smoke.
Thanks for the advice.
Check the link below my image. It is a link to my gallery - there is a second version with a tighter cropping. Thank you for the comment and advice.