Beautiful shots! Where along the coast were these taken? The Oregon coast line has got to be one of the most beautiful coast lines around, especially when you get get a good sunset or sunrise.
The first is my favorite. . .very simple, very elegantly portraid. Beautiful transition from the deep blue water in the foreground to the warm reflection of the sun, and then the two low flying birds give it just that perfect touch.
Beautiful shots. I have to admit I've got a soft spot for pano format and twilight so these get a double thumbs up from me! The last shot is just great for me, so simple and moody. If a painter were painting that scene and you had to but something in the water to balance the landmass on the right, they would put it right were you placed that stick! Amazing to think how different that photo and less effective it would be without that little twig, it carries so much visual weight. Just one suggestion, might you try removing a bit of yellow from the blue in the sky a little so that it's closer in hue to the water?
Colin Croke