Sunset Cliffs
Hello everybody! My name is Adam, how do you do? This is the very first time I have ever posted a photo in a forum! Hope I did this right. This is a shot from the other night at Sunset Cliffs in San Diego. Critiques are welcome and encouraged.

Link to my Smugmug site
Thanks for the comments guys.
Lately I have been wanting to break out of my normal shooting habits to see if I can push myself to do things differently (such as higher iso's or shallow DOF). I took several shots from this location at various f stops, iso's, and shutter speeds and this one it stands out to me simply because I discovered you could do a beautiful landscape at f/2... and I don't think there are any elements in the shot that really give any indication as to what the f/stop was.
Also, I have been trying to put more thought into each shot and understand what the scene requires. For this one, I realized that the waves would not benefit from being in focus if I used a slow shutter and that the far off horizon was a cloudy mess - not a defined line. Its funny, I over thought it because it turns out hyperfocal distance is 67 feet for 35mm at f/2 so I guess technically everything should be in focus anyway (if the shutter is quick enough of course).