New entry level DSLR Olympus E-500
This camera was highlighted on another thread and after looking into it I found it here : A dust proof sensor!
Sounds like a nice package for the $'s. Is this going to undercut the Canon/Nikon models in the US?
With a kit price of $799 that sounds pretty good value. Over here in the UK they expect it to fetch £600. :dunno Another case of rip off Britain again.:bash. How come you guys get such a good deal?? May be I should relocate.:D
Sounds like a nice package for the $'s. Is this going to undercut the Canon/Nikon models in the US?
With a kit price of $799 that sounds pretty good value. Over here in the UK they expect it to fetch £600. :dunno Another case of rip off Britain again.:bash. How come you guys get such a good deal?? May be I should relocate.:D
If you reeeaallyy want to get ripped off in cameras/gear..try 0z.
But Olympus approach to digital SLRs causes me to have some concern. It is kind of like the half-frame SLRs they made that never quite succeeded long term in the market place.
Their sensor is small, and the lenses for the Olympus DSLR series cannot be used on a full frame DSLR. And lenses are usually a bigger investment long term than the body is. In Canon or Nikon systems - most of the lenses are useful on full frame cameras as well. With the advent of the Canon 5D, Canon has clearly demonstrated the intention to bring full frame DSLRs to the prosumer level. I suspect that five years from now, many (most?) of us will own a full frame camera, unless we chose a smaller one for the ergonomics of smaller and less weight, rather than primarily an economic decision.
I suggest you choose a lens system first, not a camera body. Bodies are transitory, lenses are long term investments. Just a suggestion YMMV
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