Why LightRoom?

We all get this question over and over. Check out this site!!!!!! I am learning a ton and it answers the why question better than anything I have seen. Go now or be doomed..........................
Photoshop wil be relegated to only those times that I need a selection tool to finish an image, or to composite a Pano.
Bridge I never use any more.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Yes LR4 is very capable of RAW files processing. Basically, if you never use anything but Bridge + ACR, LR4 can be a logical step.
However, the whole discussion about LR vs (Bridge + ACR + PS) is akin Windows vs Mac, Canon vs Nikon, Allah vs Jesus and pretty much any other holy war.
The truth is: you should use the tool that does the best best under particualr circumstances. Don't use a sledgehammer with a screw or a screwdriver with a nail - that is, if you have that luxury. However, you should also know that in some cases hammering a screw down quickly can be a better solution than waiting for a day until your power screwdriver arrives.
All in all: know thy tools and don't think a hammer is better than a screwdriver or vice versa, cause you may have a need for either. And be ready to use whatever you have at your disposal even if it's not the best possible solution but gets the job done here and now.
Using the most appropriate, easiest to use, and effective, is what I would encourage for everyone.
For a great number of folks, I think Lightroom will be easier to learn than Photoshop, and quite capable. For Printing, LR surpasses Photoshop for ease and speed of use.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
It is definitely getting better and better, no argument there. And the print module is, even in my uneducated look (I don't print much), far superior.
I didn't get through many of the tips but did pick up a few things. Also I didn't pick up on LR3 vs LR4.
Use it or don't. I personally find LR to be indispensable.