Sunsets from Maui (first attemps with Cokin Filters)

I am not much of a landscape guy. But every time I am shooting them I feel the need to control the light from the sky. And I almost always use graduated filters in LR. So I figured I should do the graduated filters first and this will leave more room for adjustment later.
Both of these were shot with a combination of a Sing-Ray Reverse grad and a Cokin graduated filter.
What do you guys think? The biggest issue I see is the flare I got while using these. Is there a good approach to limiting lens flare when stacking filters?
Our first sunset of the trip

Our last sunset of the trip. I love the dogs playing on the beach here.
Both of these were shot with a combination of a Sing-Ray Reverse grad and a Cokin graduated filter.
What do you guys think? The biggest issue I see is the flare I got while using these. Is there a good approach to limiting lens flare when stacking filters?
Our first sunset of the trip

Our last sunset of the trip. I love the dogs playing on the beach here.

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Yes I tried lower shots too. And they were ok. But what I liked on these ones was that golden light on the foreground. It just looks magic. Just a few minutes later and it is flat. You loose that bang on the green and the rocks. But that has another appeal too. I was just grooving on this look while I was on the trip. The green of this stuff on the beach couldn't be wasted by being black or muted.
Zerodog, I think your shots came out nice. As Kdog pointed out, the sun is still blown out, but I don't think it takes away from the shots too much. Sometimes I expect that look when taking these kinds of photos. Flare isn't too bad, and I'm not any expert on filters yet. Actually, I'm going to be doing my first work with some Cokin neutral grads this summer when we're on a vacation out west, going to Yosemite, etc. One last tidbit - I noticed your horizons seem to be off a bit. So might just want to do a bit of rotation/crop to fix that.
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jsrucci: I will straiten these up a bit. I need to get in the habit of looking at this more with landscapes. You will dig the filters for out west. I just want more now.
wizardry: That is a great idea about using a glass filter first to slow stuff down a bit more without as many weird effects.