Old Mill at Babcock State Park, WV (need your opinion)

I was digging through the archives and came across this shot (actually 3 different exposures). Back when I took it in 2009 I did not think that it was gallery worthy. Way too many flaws. At the time I did not have the processing knowledge that I have picked up since then. Until I can make the long trip back to the location for a reshoot this is what I have to work with. I have processed the image two different ways and would like your opinion on which is better and why. I like both for different reasons and am torn between the two. Not only will this help me decide which one to put in my gallery but it will also help me prepare for the reshoot if and when that happens. Thank you in advance.
#1 (or Color Version)

#2 (or B&W Version)

Thank you for looking.
— Kevin
#1 (or Color Version)

#2 (or B&W Version)

Thank you for looking.
— Kevin
Cheers, Richard.
Colin Croke
Glade Creek Grist Mill
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
I like the contrast of the first version, but the second version does look nice and clean. so maybe put a little more contrast back in ? heck dont ask me.... it's a great save from the archives!!!!
Link to my Smugmug site
— Kevin
My Site, My Book