Easy way of lining up layers?

I recently had some portraits which needed eyeswaps (shot chosen wasn't as sharp as I'd like, although good in other ways, so I pulled eyes from another in series and pasted them in).
I did this by copy/paste of the relevant area to a new layer, reducing opacity of the layer to about 65% and then using the free transform tool to wiggle it around until it was close. But it was REALLY REALLY hard to get it exactly right.
Is there a tool or action which can help line up the relevant areas a little more accurately (and quickly!) than I can myself?
I did this by copy/paste of the relevant area to a new layer, reducing opacity of the layer to about 65% and then using the free transform tool to wiggle it around until it was close. But it was REALLY REALLY hard to get it exactly right.
Is there a tool or action which can help line up the relevant areas a little more accurately (and quickly!) than I can myself?
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Just try it, and you will quickly see how Difference mode displays where your two layers do not align correctly.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Here is a way l use. Enlarge picture to 100/200/300 percent, which ever is best. Drag down a guide line from the top and one from the side to mark the spot you want to use as a target. Turn off the good layer, turn on the layer you want to align. Select the move tool, use the left/right/up/down keys to move the layer/image to the x mark. After they are aligned, using a layer mask to mask out what you don't need will finish the job! Oh and you can merge the two layers after you are satisfied. http://herman377.com egiesker@aim.com
when using free transform , you see 3 icons at the top ; accept , cancel , and left of em is the warp tool
when this tool is active , you can drag any area in your selection
really helpful and also easy
also , check that "snap to ....." is switched off