What to do with old cameras?
Have we every thought of how much camera equipment we accumulate? What about when new technology brings huge advances to our lives like digital photography has?
I found out a few years back that by purchasing my first digital camera it allowed me to eliminate the film and processing cost. Yeah sure, the camera bodies were expensive; my first bodies were over $5000 each, and now better technology can be picked up for under a grand each. And those digital compact flash cards, I paid $250 for a 256mb cards which are being sold for under $25. Wow have things changed. One great positive was I could still use the same lenses that my old film bodies used. That seemed to make it a little better.
Now I needed to figure out what to do with all of my additional equipment. Well as technology has advanced in the camera and photography world, so have the selling resources. We now have a great service called ebay. What a cool concept. People list some old items that they want to get rid of and there is usually a market where someone is willing to pay for your stuff. Ebay has created a very easy way to sell your used camera equipment fast. I know, it is hard to part with your used Hassy with the tack sharp glass for just a fraction of what you paid for it and knowing that the longer you wait, the less you will be able to sell it. Don’t let your closet become the storage place for old relics.
The way I looked at it was I could sell the old film bodies and put that toward my digital bodies.
What were you able to sell at an auction lately?
I found out a few years back that by purchasing my first digital camera it allowed me to eliminate the film and processing cost. Yeah sure, the camera bodies were expensive; my first bodies were over $5000 each, and now better technology can be picked up for under a grand each. And those digital compact flash cards, I paid $250 for a 256mb cards which are being sold for under $25. Wow have things changed. One great positive was I could still use the same lenses that my old film bodies used. That seemed to make it a little better.
Now I needed to figure out what to do with all of my additional equipment. Well as technology has advanced in the camera and photography world, so have the selling resources. We now have a great service called ebay. What a cool concept. People list some old items that they want to get rid of and there is usually a market where someone is willing to pay for your stuff. Ebay has created a very easy way to sell your used camera equipment fast. I know, it is hard to part with your used Hassy with the tack sharp glass for just a fraction of what you paid for it and knowing that the longer you wait, the less you will be able to sell it. Don’t let your closet become the storage place for old relics.
The way I looked at it was I could sell the old film bodies and put that toward my digital bodies.
What were you able to sell at an auction lately?
When I decided to use digital equipment almost exclusively last year I knew that meant selling my collection of old cameras including 4 Leicas and a bunch of other Leitz equipment.
I have done very well -- got more than I'd have settled for for almost every piece.
I sold a IIf, IIIa, III (black and nickel) and just sold my beloved M3 with 3 lenses. I tend to sell everything separately but usually include a lens with each camera. Also sold a Rollie 35, a couple of Kodak Retinas....
I also bought and sold a Voightlander Bessa L -- thought I'd use it for wide angle work decided against it. I made $30 on the deal!
I still have some Exacktas, a Zeiss Super Ikonta, a Nikon FM amd assorted other stuff I plan to sell. I have had little trouble so far. Only one (and now it looks like two) buyers failed to follow through, but Ebay helps with such situations.
Selling my collection was a big step but now a have an Epson 2200, iMac G5, Canon 20D -- all funded with these sales. My strange little collection was a good investment after all!
Seeking the Decisive Moment, thanks Henri