
HDR / Architecture / Vertorama

Girolamo's HDR PhotosGirolamo's HDR Photos Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
edited March 5, 2012 in Other Cool Shots
Here are some HDR vertoramas realised with Photomatix and the "Photomerge" function of Photoshop:

The Palatine chapel in Palermo (Sicily):

The Martorana church in Palermo (Sicily):

The Monreale cloister in Monreale (Sicily):

"Quattro canti", officially named Vigliena square in Palermo (Sicily):

The cathedral in Chambéry (France):

A cloister in Chambéry (France):


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    dave6253dave6253 Registered Users Posts: 229 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2012
    Each one is equally stunning. Wow!
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    TravelTravel Registered Users Posts: 276 Major grins
    edited March 4, 2012
    Beautiful! A little too wide for my taste. The distortion takes impact away from the beautiful photos.
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    FishEyeJohnFishEyeJohn Registered Users Posts: 40 Big grins
    edited March 5, 2012
    I love these lenses used such an incredible perspective of these buildings, see them in such a different way.

    Here is one of my favourites photos of architecture.
    “ Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph. – Matt Hardy

    “ You don’t take a photograph, you make it. - Ansel Adams
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