For your C&C

Props to RyanS who took me out and mentored me. Here is one of the several images he helped me capture. I will show you the original first then the post. Info: Sony a200, Handheld, ISO 100, f/5.6, 1/100. In iPhoto I cropped as you will see in image 2, played with contrast, saturation, definition, sharpness, and temperature. Please help a newb out and give me your thoughts
1. Original

2. Cropped & Edited in iPhoto
1. Original

2. Cropped & Edited in iPhoto

Sometimes, it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens. Unknown
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Thank you so much Lisa for your input. RyanS is a wonderful teacher/mentor. As I am typing this my son walked in with the mail.... I just received PS Elements 10!!! Guess I will be up all night playing. Yahoooooo
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Then you can start playing with plug-ins!
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