Photo fulfillment in the UK

I read recently that SmugMug was going to add Loxley Colour as a new printing service based in the UK and that this was going to be announced March 23rd. Any update?
I read recently that SmugMug was going to add Loxley Colour as a new printing service based in the UK and that this was going to be announced March 23rd. Any update?
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SmugMug Support Hero
John aka 'radfish'
my website
Metric sizes are not available at this point. You can only offer products in inches.
To get started using Loxley, go to your control panel > pros tab > set pricing option. In the manage pricelist screen you can create a new pricelist and select Loxley as the lab.
For additional information on pricelists, take a look here:
SmugMug Support Hero