Teaching middle schoolers

I have been asked to teach 2 classes a week for middle schoolers in their after school program this coming fall, different kids in each class so 2 different classes. I am curious if anyone here has had any experience teaching the 11-14 year old set. I have a basic outline for the 10-12 weeks down but would love any insight and suggestions from others. Any websites to take a look at or to gain insight from. I figure the first session should be about how to use the camera (point and shoots) and briefly about composition. Then I thought we would do weekly or every other week treasure hunts of sorts. We would go around the school or outside on the grounds and have to find things of certain colors, textures, close ups, etc.
Again any feedback is much appreciated.
Again any feedback is much appreciated.
You don't mention anything here or even on your site about yourself. Are you a teacher? What's your experience in this setting.
Maybe show some of your work as well as others, Ansel Adams, some street photography, etc. Discus what they see, what they like, what they hope to get out of the class, etc. This hopefully Will guide you in teaching the rest of the classes.