Desert Passage

Hi All, its been awhile since I've posted as life keeps getting in the way... I have a new batch of work I'm processing from Sierras and Death Valley where I spent the last week. This is one that caught my eye, a 2 minute exposure in the flats of Death Valley. Thanks for looking, and I'll post more in the upcoming days.

how in the world did you time this for the sunstar? or did you layer it in? what a great comp, and the relections are sweet in this image!
Hi Aaron, I was just taking successive two minute exposures while the sun was behind the clouds, because each time it came out the shot was blown. In this particular shot, it peaked from behind the clouds just over the mountain line for the last few seconds of the exposure so I got it all in one shot. I've been using my 10 stop ND more and more, it really opens up a lot of creative possibilities, and brings out a lot of light. Thanks for commenting.
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