Can you ID this peak?

I think it's amazing, and should be one of the iconic American peaks.

Any C&C welcome. Reshoots are not a possibility in the near future
but maybe some day.

Any C&C welcome. Reshoots are not a possibility in the near future

Yeah, if you recognize the avatar, new user name.
Looks like California's White Mountain from the trail above Barcroft Lab. I was up it last on Christmas Day, 2011. There was a little less snow then than in the pictures. It's been a very dry winter.
Edit: Comparing the pictures, the amount of snow is very similar.
Dale B. Dalrymple
...with apology to Archimedies
Yup. January 2nd 2012. Can't believe I walked up to 14,252 ft (4,344 m) in January! I also can't believe I dragged my 5D up to 14,252 ft. It was kind of an accidental hike. Definitely should have had a smaller (lighter) camera for all the good use I (didn't) get out of it. From the valley we could see snow/ice all along the ridge line, so we took crampons, didn't need them at all.
Nice captures!
Images in the Backcountry
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No! leave it. I don't mind photo replies in a thread like this. Nice shot. It was really windy for us, but temperatures were decent for January. Only problem was the day was short and we had to plan on hiking out in the dark at the rates I walk.
Sierra range had no snow then either- Looking west across the caldera to Mammoth, the Minarets, Ritter and Banner:
looking back along the hike, at the 12k foot plateau (3700 meters and no snow!) Upper left bright spot are the Eureka Dunes, right side is Owen's Valley.
We had an awesome sunset, and then another 2 hours of hiking, but I didn't get any pictures of it because I left the batteries in my grip and they died from the cold.