Beyond the Invisible

Thanks for the comments on my last image. Here is another one I was pleased with. This is an offbeat area of Death Valley with Joshua trees everywhere! We took advantage of the clear night sky to photograph the milky way which was present in all its glory. Single exposure 14mm f/2.8 ISO 3200. I used a pocket flashlight to paint a touch of light on the tree. Thanks for looking!

Wish I could get skies like that here! Wow!
Patrick Smith
You should enter this one in the current After Dark mini challenge.
I was actually thinking of heading up to the Joshua Trees here in Arizona for a composition similar to this. I couldn't top this one though.
Thanks! I wasn't aware of the mini challenge but entered it
Crescent City Prints
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twitter: @milanovec
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Edit: Ahha! refreshed page and boy was it worth doing! Stunning and wonderful composition.
Thanks! this was 30 seconds, which is about as long as I can expose at 14mm without getting star trails.
Crescent City Prints
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Fremont, CA
SmugMug Gallery