Texas Bluebonnets

I drove through Llano County the other day, in the Hill country north of San Antonio. If you are in the area, you should check out Ranch Road 2323 between Hwy 87 just north of Fredericksburg and Llano. It is full of bluebonnets along the roadside and in the fields. If not as good as 2010 it is very close. Here are some shots for your enjoyment:







This was the best I had seen the wildflowers in quite a few years. My family went out Good Friday down 281 between Lampasas and Johnson City, looped around Inks Lake State Park (Park Road 4, near Burnet), and went over to Fredericksburg from Johnson City on 290. We had intended to head north towards Llano from there and swing through the Willow City Loop, but we wimped out after a long day and headed back home. My daughter and her friend both said they had seen enough flowers for one day. Me? I'll never see enough flowers, but the rest of me was pooped so I agreed to no more.
Sherry - RR 2323 is off US 87 just outside of Fredericksburg and angles NE to LLano. I went up that way and came back down Hwy 16 back into F'burg. Made a big circle. Did not make the Willow City Loop; like you, I was too tired by the time I got to the turnoff on 16. I may try again this week. I've also heard the Willow City Loop is really crowded this year, moreso than usual. There was practically nobody on 2323 the day I went. I'd heard there are a lot of wildflowers along 290 but haven't driven that. I will take a look at your shots in Journeys. If you ever get down to San Antonio, let me know and we can meet up.
Lauren Blackwell
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Thanks, Schmoo. These are obviously during bright morning. I had not driven this road so did not want to go too early. Now I know a couple of places to stop so I will try to go back for early morning light later this week. I will post any successes.
Lauren Blackwell
Gallery: http://cornflakeaz.smugmug.com/
Lauren Blackwell