5D3 19 image pano

This is a small (1/6th 72dpi) version of what otherwise is a 310 megapixel pano made out of 19 vertical (portrait) 5D Mark III images.

Canon 5D Mark III + 100-400L at 400mm + TCx1.4 (pins taped), on a tripod and with remote cable trigger.
Manual exposure f/10, 1/800sec, ISO 400
Processing: ACR6.7 to handle initial RAW conversion, then PS CS6 Merge
The reason I cranked up ISO: there was a lot of wind and I wanted to avoid camera shake blur at effective 640mm focal length, so I wanted something faster than 1/640s.

Canon 5D Mark III + 100-400L at 400mm + TCx1.4 (pins taped), on a tripod and with remote cable trigger.
Manual exposure f/10, 1/800sec, ISO 400
Processing: ACR6.7 to handle initial RAW conversion, then PS CS6 Merge
The reason I cranked up ISO: there was a lot of wind and I wanted to avoid camera shake blur at effective 640mm focal length, so I wanted something faster than 1/640s.
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Are you going to have it printed and if so to what size(I definitely think it needs to be hanging somewhere)?
Lastly, have you any idea what this is(noticed it while admiring the full size image)?
5D2/1D MkII N/40D and a couple bits of glass.
I don't have any printing intentions at the moment.
This white thingie surrounded by some circumferenced spikes appears to be this:
I honestly have no idea what kind of installation it can be
FWIW, the beeline distance from the camera is about 20 miles...
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
Awesome shot!
The white thing is the Fillmore VOR, which is used for aircraft navigation.
My SmugMug
Brad, thank you very much!
I was hoping someone with aeronautical knowlege would be able to solve this mistery!
I said that... just not that specifically. lol
I have a few people at work who were guessing along the same lines, but nobody till Brad produced an exact technical ID :-). It would be like me saying "it's a dslr with some long lens" and you saying "yes, it's a Canon EOS 1D Mk IV with a 400/2.8L Mk II and TCx2 Mk III extender"
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David, your monitor (and your eys) are fine.
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Thanks Joel!