Kings County Asylum

Show me anything abandoned and I want to get in there and shoot. But my absolute favorite place to shoot is Kings Park Psychiatric Center (Formerly known as Kings County Asylum for the Insane)
It started in the 1800's as a "Farm for the Insane". The thought was to send "mentally ill" people to the country from New York City proper. I saw that with air quotes because by today's standards many of the people were not what you'd consider mentally ill (at least not to the point of requiring hospitalization)
2 of the main wards burned down in the early 1900's and new wards and buildings were put up over time. The newest building is the hospital, built in the 70's. Almost the entire facility was abandoned in 1997. One building is still in use for patients, and a couple others used by the parks department. A few minor structures and a few that are in danger of collapse are slated for demo starting in a few months.
...and I'll continue to shoot there till they all fall.
"Lights Out"

"121 Soiled"

"if you'd like to make a call...."

"Vertigo 3"

"Martha Stewart Armageddon"
It started in the 1800's as a "Farm for the Insane". The thought was to send "mentally ill" people to the country from New York City proper. I saw that with air quotes because by today's standards many of the people were not what you'd consider mentally ill (at least not to the point of requiring hospitalization)
2 of the main wards burned down in the early 1900's and new wards and buildings were put up over time. The newest building is the hospital, built in the 70's. Almost the entire facility was abandoned in 1997. One building is still in use for patients, and a couple others used by the parks department. A few minor structures and a few that are in danger of collapse are slated for demo starting in a few months.
...and I'll continue to shoot there till they all fall.
"Lights Out"

"121 Soiled"

"if you'd like to make a call...."

"Vertigo 3"

"Martha Stewart Armageddon"

Good work!
The temptation to reach out and flip one of those 4 light switches in the first photo is strong. VERY strong
Jase //
Lauren Blackwell
Link to my Smugmug site